Merged 4 commits fixing build errors when compiling this as an engine plugin:
- Changed include directives to use full paths (ex. <ICursor.h> -> <GenericPlatform/ICursor.h>).
- Added categories to FImGuiKeyInfo properties (required for all blueprint exposed types in engine plugins).
- Added explicit configuration of PCHUsage (without that it is assumed to be UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs in engine plugins and UseSharedPCHs in game ones) - amended to work also in the older engine versions.
- Added to FImGuiDelegates interface early debug delegates called during world tick start.
- Delegates are called in fixed order: multi-context early debug, world early debug (called during world tick start), world debug, multi-context debug (called during world post actor tick or if not available, during world tick start).
- Removed from build script configuration of debug delegates.
- Replaced 'ImGui.DebugDrawOnWorldTick' with DRAW_EVENTS_ON_WORLD_TICK_START switch to enforce consistency in project setup.
- Added DRAW_EVENTS_ON_POST_ACTOR_TICK to support post actor tick events (only for UE 4.18 or later).
- Added DRAW_EVENTS_ORDER_WORLD_BEFORE_MULTI_CONTEXT to allow explicitly define order between multi-context and world-context draw events.
- Rules can be configured in ImGui.Build.cs file.
- Changed module type to 'Developer'.
- Added runtime loader that handles automatic module loading in runtime builds (feature can be selectively enabled).
- Added ImGui Input Handler class that allows to customize handling of the keyboard and gamepad input.
- Added ImGui Settings to allow specify custom input handler implementation.
- Added editor support for ImGui Settings.
- Input handling in ImGui Widget is divided for querying the handler (more customizable) and actual input processing based on the handler’s response (fixed and simplified).
- Removed a need for checking console state in different input handling functions in ImGui Widget by suppressing keyboard focus support when console is opened.
- Added ImGui Input State to collect and store input updates.
- Changed Slate ImGui Widget to handle Slate input events and store them in input state.
- Changed ImGui Context Proxy to copy input state to its context.
- Added ImGui Module Manager that that implements module logic and manages other module resources.
- Added Texture Manager to manage texture resources and maps them to index that can be passed to ImGui context.
- Added Context Proxy that represents and manages a single ImGui context.
- Added Slate ImGui Widget to render ImGui output.
- Added ImGui framework source directory.
- Added to ImGui module include paths pointing to ImGui source directory.
- Added to ImGui module implementation file that includes ImGui source code to be built as part of the module.