Sebastian f18e1f0b68 Changed to hardware cursor as a default cursor in input mode and added ImGui.DrawMouseCursor console variable to allow to switch to ImGui cursor.
Using ImGui to draw cursor helps to reduce visual error between mouse cursor and position in ImGui. But it has been reported that this works really bad when frame-rate drops and becomes unusable below ~20 FPS. Taking that into account hardware cursor seems like a better default option. Old behaviour can be enabled with ImGui.DrawMouseCursor console variable.
2018-03-13 23:42:37 +00:00

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3.3 KiB

// Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (see accompanying LICENSE file)
#pragma once
#include "TextureManager.h"
#include <ICursor.h>
#include <imgui.h>
class FImGuiInputState;
// Utilities to help standardise operations between Unreal and ImGui.
namespace ImGuiInterops
// ImGui Types
namespace ImGuiTypes
using FMouseButtonsArray = decltype(ImGuiIO::MouseDown);
using FKeysArray = decltype(ImGuiIO::KeysDown);
using FInputCharactersBuffer = decltype(ImGuiIO::InputCharacters);
using FKeyMap = decltype(ImGuiIO::KeyMap);
// Input Mapping
// Set in ImGui IO mapping to recognize indices generated from Unreal input events.
void SetUnrealKeyMap(ImGuiIO& IO);
// Map FKey to index in keys buffer.
uint32 GetKeyIndex(const FKey& Key);
// Map key event to index in keys buffer.
FORCEINLINE uint32 GetKeyIndex(const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent)
return KeyEvent.GetKeyCode();
// Map mouse FKey to index in mouse buttons buffer.
uint32 GetMouseIndex(const FKey& MouseButton);
// Map pointer event to index in mouse buttons buffer.
FORCEINLINE uint32 GetMouseIndex(const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
return GetMouseIndex(MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton());
EMouseCursor::Type ToSlateMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor MouseCursor);
// Input State Copying
// Copy input to ImGui IO.
// @param IO - Target ImGui IO
// @param InputState - Input state to copy
void CopyInput(ImGuiIO& IO, const FImGuiInputState& InputState);
// Conversions
// Convert from ImGui packed color to FColor.
FORCEINLINE FColor UnpackImU32Color(ImU32 Color)
// We use IM_COL32_R/G/B/A_SHIFT macros to support different ImGui configurations.
return FColor{ (uint8)((Color >> IM_COL32_R_SHIFT) & 0xFF), (uint8)((Color >> IM_COL32_G_SHIFT) & 0xFF),
(uint8)((Color >> IM_COL32_B_SHIFT) & 0xFF), (uint8)((Color >> IM_COL32_A_SHIFT) & 0xFF) };
// Convert from ImVec4 rectangle to FSlateRect.
FORCEINLINE FSlateRect ToSlateRect(const ImVec4& ImGuiRect)
return FSlateRect{ ImGuiRect.x, ImGuiRect.y, ImGuiRect.z, ImGuiRect.w };
// Convert from ImGui Texture Id to Texture Index that we use for texture resources.
FORCEINLINE TextureIndex ToTextureIndex(ImTextureID Index)
return static_cast<TextureIndex>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Index));
// Convert from Texture Index to ImGui Texture Id that we pass to ImGui.
FORCEINLINE ImTextureID ToImTextureID(TextureIndex Index)
return reinterpret_cast<ImTextureID>(static_cast<intptr_t>(Index));