Sebastian f18e1f0b68 Changed to hardware cursor as a default cursor in input mode and added ImGui.DrawMouseCursor console variable to allow to switch to ImGui cursor.
Using ImGui to draw cursor helps to reduce visual error between mouse cursor and position in ImGui. But it has been reported that this works really bad when frame-rate drops and becomes unusable below ~20 FPS. Taking that into account hardware cursor seems like a better default option. Old behaviour can be enabled with ImGui.DrawMouseCursor console variable.
2018-03-13 23:42:37 +00:00

84 lines
2.6 KiB

// Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (see accompanying LICENSE file)
#pragma once
#include "ImGuiDrawData.h"
#include <ICursor.h>
#include <imgui.h>
#include <string>
class FImGuiInputState;
// Represents a single ImGui context. All the context updates should be done through this proxy. During update it
// broadcasts draw events to allow listeners draw their controls. After update it stores draw data.
class FImGuiContextProxy
FImGuiContextProxy(const FString& Name);
FImGuiContextProxy(const FImGuiContextProxy&) = delete;
FImGuiContextProxy& operator=(const FImGuiContextProxy&) = delete;
FImGuiContextProxy(FImGuiContextProxy&& Other);
FImGuiContextProxy& operator=(FImGuiContextProxy&& Other);
// Get the name of this context.
const FString& GetName() const { return Name; }
// Get draw data from the last frame.
const TArray<FImGuiDrawList>& GetDrawData() const { return DrawLists; }
// Get input state used by this context.
const FImGuiInputState* GetInputState() const { return InputState; }
// Set input state to be used by this context.
void SetInputState(const FImGuiInputState* SourceInputState) { InputState = SourceInputState; }
// If context is currently using input state to remove then remove that binding.
void RemoveInputState(const FImGuiInputState* InputStateToRemove) { if (InputState == InputStateToRemove) InputState = nullptr; }
// Is this context the current ImGui context.
bool IsCurrentContext() const { return ImGui::GetCurrentContext() == Context; }
// Set this context as current ImGui context.
void SetAsCurrent() { ImGui::SetCurrentContext(Context); }
bool HasActiveItem() const { return bHasActiveItem; }
EMouseCursor::Type GetMouseCursor() const { return MouseCursor; }
// Delegate called right before ending the frame to allows listeners draw their controls.
FSimpleMulticastDelegate& OnDraw() { return DrawEvent; }
// Tick to advance context to the next frame.
// @param SharedDrawEvent - Shared draw event provided from outside to be called right after context own event
void Tick(float DeltaSeconds, FSimpleMulticastDelegate* SharedDrawEvent = nullptr);
void BeginFrame(float DeltaTime = 1.f / 60.f);
void EndFrame();
void UpdateDrawData(ImDrawData* DrawData);
ImGuiContext* Context = nullptr;
bool bHasActiveItem = false;
EMouseCursor::Type MouseCursor = EMouseCursor::None;
bool bIsFrameStarted = false;
FSimpleMulticastDelegate DrawEvent;
const FImGuiInputState* InputState = nullptr;
TArray<FImGuiDrawList> DrawLists;
FString Name;
std::string IniFilename;