- Removed explicit PCH.
- Fixed includes to compile for all supported engine versions, including non-unity builds.
- Configured build.cs to treat ImGui as an engine module and added stricter compilation rules.
- The old DPI Scale setting was replaced by DPI Scaling Info, which contains information about scale and method of scaling.
- ImGui Context Manager handles scaling in ImGui by scaling all styles, rebuilding fonts using a different size, and raising OnFontAtlasBuilt event.
- ImGui Module Manager uses OnFontAtlasBuilt event to rebuild font textures.
- The update policy in Texture Manager was loosened to update existing resources rather than throwing an exception. This is less strict but it is now more useful since our main texture can now change. The throwing behavior used in the public interface is now handled before calling to the Texture Manager.
- Canvas size can be set to custom width and height, desktop size or viewport size.
- The old Adaptive Canvas Size is replaced by the viewport size type.
- Custom and desktop size types can be also extended to the viewport size but they will never be smaller than their base sizes.
- Adaptive size is controlled by the ImGui Widget, which passes it from the view-port to the context proxy.
- Context only copies display size that is set from the outside.
- Removed feature dependency from the manager.
- Added to SImGuiWidget and FImGuiInputHandler handling of touch started, move and ended events.
- Events are passed to FImGuiInputState to be copied to ImGui IO as a mouse move and left button down.
- Added one frame lag between touch ending event and ending processing, to allow ImGui handle mouse-up event.
- With the mouse sharing enabled, SImGuiWidget can update mouse position without enabling hit-tests. Actual input mode depends whether mouse cursor is hovering any ImGui window or not.
- Added to context proxy interface to read whether that context has mouse hovering any window.
- Added boilerplate code to support mouse sharing settings, properties and commands.
- Moved responsibility for updating input state from the widget to the input handler.
- Changed the widget to fully delegate input events to the input handler and only manage its own input state.
- Changed the input handler interface to allow handling of all the necessary input events.
- Changed the input handler interface to use FReply as a response type and removed obsolete FImGuiInputResponse.
Moving input state to context proxy decouples it a bit from a particular input source and although not used right now, it allows multiple sources to send input in parallel.
- Removed mouse status update.
- Removed mouse notifications.
- Removed unused function to copy modifier keys on mouse events (key down/up versions are still in use).
- Added SImGuiLayout to resets layout and house SImGuiWidget.
- Module manager creates SImGuiLayout instead of SImGuiWidget (eventually it should be replaced with a higher level object, like AHUD).
- Reworked ImGui canvas dragging and scaling and moved to SImGuiCanvasControl.
- Removed dependency on ImGui internal cursor data. New presentation is cleaner and doesn't use cursor data.
- Rendering code could be simplified after layout reset provided by SImGuiLayout.
- SImGuiWidget still handles input, rendering of ImGui draw data and activation of SImGuiCanvasControl.
- All widgets are in own subfolder.