Sebastian d9220ad536 Fixed bad deallocation in Texture Manager and interface to create textures from raw data:
- Fixed rather embarrassing overlook in deallocation of data array passed from to CreateTexture from other function.
- Changed CreateTexture to use cleanup function passed with data (optional and only needed if data need to be released). Keeping data allocation and deallocation code together should make bugs like this easier to spot and avoid. Additionally this allows for more generic usage.
2018-08-14 20:28:25 +01:00

96 lines
3.4 KiB

// Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (see accompanying LICENSE file)
#pragma once
#include <Core.h>
#include <Styling/SlateBrush.h>
#include <Textures/SlateShaderResource.h>
// Index type to be used as a texture handle.
using TextureIndex = int32;
// Manager for textures resources which can be referenced by a unique name or index.
// Name is primarily for lookup and index provides a direct access to resources.
class FTextureManager
// Creates an empty manager.
FTextureManager() = default;
// Copying is disabled to protected resource ownership.
FTextureManager(const FTextureManager&) = delete;
FTextureManager& operator=(const FTextureManager&) = delete;
// Moving transfers ownership and leaves source empty.
FTextureManager(FTextureManager&&) = default;
FTextureManager& operator=(FTextureManager&&) = default;
// Find texture index by name.
// @param Name - The name of a texture to find
// @returns The index of a texture with given name or INDEX_NONE if there is no such texture
TextureIndex FindTextureIndex(const FName& Name) const
return TextureResources.IndexOfByPredicate([&](const auto& Entry) { return Entry.Name == Name; });
// Get the name of a texture at given index. Throws exception if index is out of range.
// @param Index - Index of a texture
// @returns The name of a texture at given index
FORCEINLINE FName GetTextureName(TextureIndex Index) const
return TextureResources[Index].Name;
// Get the Slate Resource Handle to a texture at given index. Throws exception if index is out of range.
// @param Index - Index of a texture
// @returns The Slate Resource Handle for a texture at given index
FORCEINLINE const FSlateResourceHandle& GetTextureHandle(TextureIndex Index) const
return TextureResources[Index].ResourceHandle;
// Create a texture from raw data. Throws exception if there is already a texture with that name.
// @param Name - The texture name
// @param Width - The texture width
// @param Height - The texture height
// @param SrcBpp - The size in bytes of one pixel
// @param SrcData - The source data
// @param SrcDataCleanup - Optional function called to release source data after texture is created (only needed, if data need to be released)
// @returns The index of a texture that was created
TextureIndex CreateTexture(const FName& Name, int32 Width, int32 Height, uint32 SrcBpp, uint8* SrcData, TFunction<void(uint8*)> SrcDataCleanup = [](uint8*) {});
// Create a plain texture. Throws exception if there is already a texture with that name.
// @param Name - The texture name
// @param Width - The texture width
// @param Height - The texture height
// @param Color - The texture color
// @returns The index of a texture that was created
TextureIndex CreatePlainTexture(const FName& Name, int32 Width, int32 Height, FColor Color);
// Entry for texture resources. Only supports explicit construction.
struct FTextureEntry
FTextureEntry(const FName& InName, UTexture2D* InTexture);
// Copying is not supported.
FTextureEntry(const FTextureEntry&) = delete;
FTextureEntry& operator=(const FTextureEntry&) = delete;
// We rely on TArray and don't implement custom move semantics.
FTextureEntry(FTextureEntry&&) = delete;
FTextureEntry& operator=(FTextureEntry&&) = delete;
FName Name = NAME_None;
UTexture2D* Texture = nullptr;
FSlateBrush Brush;
FSlateResourceHandle ResourceHandle;
TArray<FTextureEntry> TextureResources;