Sebastian fa32fd95e3 Added to ImGui Widget a canvas map mode that allows to drag and change scale of the ImGui canvas.
Map mode allows to reach areas of the canvas that otherwise would be inaccessible (for instance modal windows positioned in the centre of the canvas) and to modify which part should be visible by default.
2018-04-21 22:43:15 +01:00

1212 lines
41 KiB

// Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (see accompanying LICENSE file)
#include "ImGuiPrivatePCH.h"
#include "SImGuiWidget.h"
#include "ImGuiContextManager.h"
#include "ImGuiContextProxy.h"
#include "ImGuiImplementation.h"
#include "ImGuiInteroperability.h"
#include "ImGuiModuleManager.h"
#include "TextureManager.h"
#include "Utilities/Arrays.h"
#include "Utilities/ScopeGuards.h"
#include <Engine/Console.h>
#include <utility>
// High enough z-order guarantees that ImGui output is rendered on top of the game UI.
constexpr int32 IMGUI_WIDGET_Z_ORDER = 10000;
#define TEXT_INPUT_MODE(Val) (\
(Val) == EInputMode::MouseAndKeyboard ? TEXT("MouseAndKeyboard") :\
(Val) == EInputMode::MousePointerOnly ? TEXT("MousePointerOnly") :\
#define TEXT_BOOL(Val) ((Val) ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"))
const FColor CanvasFrameColor = { 16, 16, 16 };
const FColor ViewportFrameColor = { 204, 74, 10 };
const FColor ViewportFrameHighlightColor = { 255, 110, 38 };
constexpr const char* PlainTextureName = "ImGuiModule_Plain";
constexpr const char* FontAtlasTextureName = "ImGuiModule_FontAtlas";
namespace CVars
TAutoConsoleVariable<int> InputEnabled(TEXT("ImGui.InputEnabled"), 0,
TEXT("Enable or disable ImGui input mode.\n")
TEXT("0: disabled (default)\n")
TEXT("1: enabled, input is routed to ImGui and with a few exceptions is consumed"),
TAutoConsoleVariable<int> DrawMouseCursor(TEXT("ImGui.DrawMouseCursor"), 0,
TEXT("Whether or not mouse cursor in input mode should be drawn by ImGui.\n")
TEXT("0: disabled, hardware cursor will be used (default)\n")
TEXT("1: enabled, ImGui will take care for drawing mouse cursor"),
TAutoConsoleVariable<int> DebugWidget(TEXT("ImGui.Debug.Widget"), 0,
TEXT("Show debug for SImGuiWidget.\n")
TEXT("0: disabled (default)\n")
TEXT("1: enabled"),
TAutoConsoleVariable<int> DebugInput(TEXT("ImGui.Debug.Input"), 0,
TEXT("Show debug for input state.\n")
TEXT("0: disabled (default)\n")
TEXT("1: enabled"),
void SImGuiWidget::Construct(const FArguments& InArgs)
checkf(InArgs._ModuleManager, TEXT("Null Module Manager argument"));
checkf(InArgs._GameViewport, TEXT("Null Game Viewport argument"));
ModuleManager = InArgs._ModuleManager;
GameViewport = InArgs._GameViewport;
ContextIndex = InArgs._ContextIndex;
// NOTE: We could allow null game viewports (for instance to attach to non-viewport widgets) but we would need
// to modify a few functions that assume valid viewport pointer.
GameViewport->AddViewportWidgetContent(SharedThis(this), IMGUI_WIDGET_Z_ORDER);
// Disable mouse cursor over this widget as we will use ImGui to draw it.
// Sync visibility with default input enabled state.
// Register to get post-update notifications, so we can clean frame updates.
ModuleManager->OnPostImGuiUpdate().AddRaw(this, &SImGuiWidget::OnPostImGuiUpdate);
// Bind this widget to its context proxy.
auto* ContextProxy = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex);
checkf(ContextProxy, TEXT("Missing context during widget construction: ContextIndex = %d"), ContextIndex);
ContextProxy->OnDraw().AddRaw(this, &SImGuiWidget::OnDebugDraw);
// Remove binding between this widget and its context proxy.
if (auto* ContextProxy = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex))
// Unregister from post-update notifications.
void SImGuiWidget::Detach()
if (GameViewport.IsValid())
void SImGuiWidget::Tick(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime)
Super::Tick(AllottedGeometry, InCurrentTime, InDeltaTime);
// Note: Moving that update to console variable sink or callback might seem like a better alternative but input
// setup in this function is better handled here.
FReply SImGuiWidget::OnKeyChar(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FCharacterEvent& CharacterEvent)
if (IsConsoleOpened())
return FReply::Unhandled();
return FReply::Handled();
FReply SImGuiWidget::OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent)
if (IsConsoleOpened() || IgnoreKeyEvent(KeyEvent))
return FReply::Unhandled();
InputState.SetKeyDown(ImGuiInterops::GetKeyIndex(KeyEvent), true);
return WithMouseLockRequests(FReply::Handled());
FReply SImGuiWidget::OnKeyUp(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent)
// Even if we don't send new keystrokes to ImGui, we still handle key up events, to make sure that we clear keys
// pressed before suppressing keyboard input.
InputState.SetKeyDown(ImGuiInterops::GetKeyIndex(KeyEvent), false);
// If console is opened we notify key change but we also let event trough, so it can be handled by console.
return IsConsoleOpened() ? FReply::Unhandled() : WithMouseLockRequests(FReply::Handled());
FReply SImGuiWidget::OnMouseButtonDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
InputState.SetMouseDown(ImGuiInterops::GetMouseIndex(MouseEvent), true);
return WithMouseLockRequests(FReply::Handled());
FReply SImGuiWidget::OnMouseButtonDoubleClick(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
InputState.SetMouseDown(ImGuiInterops::GetMouseIndex(MouseEvent), true);
return WithMouseLockRequests(FReply::Handled());
FReply SImGuiWidget::OnMouseButtonUp(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
InputState.SetMouseDown(ImGuiInterops::GetMouseIndex(MouseEvent), false);
return WithMouseLockRequests(FReply::Handled());
FReply SImGuiWidget::OnMouseWheel(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
if (bCanvasMapMode)
return FReply::Handled();
FCursorReply SImGuiWidget::OnCursorQuery(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& CursorEvent) const
EMouseCursor::Type MouseCursor = EMouseCursor::None;
if (MouseCursorOverride != EMouseCursor::None)
MouseCursor = MouseCursorOverride;
else if (CVars::DrawMouseCursor.GetValueOnGameThread() <= 0)
if (FImGuiContextProxy* ContextProxy = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex))
MouseCursor = ContextProxy->GetMouseCursor();
return FCursorReply::Cursor(MouseCursor);
FReply SImGuiWidget::OnMouseMove(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
if (bCanvasMapMode)
UpdateCanvasDragging(MyGeometry, MouseEvent);
const FVector2D CanvasScreenSpacePosition = MyGeometry.AbsolutePosition + GetCanvasPosition(CanvasScale, CanvasOffset);
InputState.SetMousePosition((MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() - CanvasScreenSpacePosition) / CanvasScale);
// This event is called in every frame when we have a mouse, so we can use it to raise notifications.
return WithMouseLockRequests(FReply::Handled());
FReply SImGuiWidget::OnFocusReceived(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FFocusEvent& FocusEvent)
Super::OnFocusReceived(MyGeometry, FocusEvent);
UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, VeryVerbose, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Focus Received."), ContextIndex);
// If widget has a keyboard focus we always maintain mouse input. Technically, if mouse is outside of the widget
// area it won't generate events but we freeze its state until it either comes back or input is completely lost.
UpdateInputMode(true, IsDirectlyHovered());
return WithMouseLockRequests(FReply::Handled());
void SImGuiWidget::OnFocusLost(const FFocusEvent& FocusEvent)
UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, VeryVerbose, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Focus Lost."), ContextIndex);
UpdateInputMode(false, IsDirectlyHovered());
void SImGuiWidget::OnMouseEnter(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
Super::OnMouseEnter(MyGeometry, MouseEvent);
UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, VeryVerbose, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Mouse Enter."), ContextIndex);
// If mouse enters while input is active then we need to update mouse buttons because there is a chance that we
// missed some events.
if (InputMode != EInputMode::None)
for (const FKey& Button : { EKeys::LeftMouseButton, EKeys::MiddleMouseButton, EKeys::RightMouseButton, EKeys::ThumbMouseButton, EKeys::ThumbMouseButton2 })
InputState.SetMouseDown(ImGuiInterops::GetMouseIndex(Button), MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(Button));
UpdateInputMode(HasKeyboardFocus(), true);
void SImGuiWidget::OnMouseLeave(const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, VeryVerbose, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Mouse Leave."), ContextIndex);
// We don't get any events when application loses focus, but often this is followed by OnMouseLeave, so we can use
// this event to immediately disable keyboard input if application lost focus.
UpdateInputMode(HasKeyboardFocus() && GameViewport->Viewport->IsForegroundWindow(), false);
FReply SImGuiWidget::WithMouseLockRequests(FReply&& Reply)
const bool bNeedMouseLock = bCanvasDragging || bFrameDragging;
if (bNeedMouseLock != bMouseLock)
bMouseLock = bNeedMouseLock;
if (bMouseLock)
return Reply;
void SImGuiWidget::CopyModifierKeys(const FInputEvent& InputEvent)
void SImGuiWidget::CopyModifierKeys(const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
if (InputMode == EInputMode::MousePointerOnly)
CopyModifierKeys(static_cast<const FInputEvent&>(MouseEvent));
bool SImGuiWidget::IsConsoleOpened() const
return GameViewport->ViewportConsole && GameViewport->ViewportConsole->ConsoleState != NAME_None;
bool SImGuiWidget::IgnoreKeyEvent(const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent) const
// Ignore console open/close events.
if (KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Tilde)
return true;
// Ignore escape keys unless they are needed to cancel operations in ImGui.
if (KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Escape)
auto* ContextProxy = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex);
if (!ContextProxy || !ContextProxy->HasActiveItem())
return true;
return false;
void SImGuiWidget::SetMouseCursorOverride(EMouseCursor::Type InMouseCursorOverride)
if (MouseCursorOverride != InMouseCursorOverride)
MouseCursorOverride = InMouseCursorOverride;
InputState.SetMousePointer(MouseCursorOverride == EMouseCursor::None && IsDirectlyHovered() && CVars::DrawMouseCursor.GetValueOnGameThread() > 0);
void SImGuiWidget::SetVisibilityFromInputEnabled()
// If we don't use input disable hit test to make this widget invisible for cursors hit detection.
SetVisibility(bInputEnabled ? EVisibility::Visible : EVisibility::HitTestInvisible);
UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, VeryVerbose, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Visibility updated to '%s'."),
ContextIndex, *GetVisibility().ToString());
void SImGuiWidget::UpdateInputEnabled()
const bool bEnabled = CVars::InputEnabled.GetValueOnGameThread() > 0;
if (bInputEnabled != bEnabled)
bInputEnabled = bEnabled;
UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, Log, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Input Enabled changed to '%s'."),
ContextIndex, TEXT_BOOL(bInputEnabled));
if (!bInputEnabled)
auto& Slate = FSlateApplication::Get();
if (Slate.GetKeyboardFocusedWidget().Get() == this)
PreviousUserFocusedWidget.IsValid() ? PreviousUserFocusedWidget.Pin() : GameViewport->GetGameViewportWidget());
UpdateInputMode(false, false);
// Note: Some widgets, like console, can reset focus to viewport after we already grabbed it. If we detect that
// viewport has a focus while input is enabled we will take it.
if (bInputEnabled && !HasKeyboardFocus() && !IsConsoleOpened())
const auto& ViewportWidget = GameViewport->GetGameViewportWidget();
if (ViewportWidget->HasKeyboardFocus() || ViewportWidget->HasFocusedDescendants())
auto& Slate = FSlateApplication::Get();
PreviousUserFocusedWidget = Slate.GetUserFocusedWidget(Slate.GetUserIndexForKeyboard());
// We don't get any events when application loses focus (we get OnMouseLeave but not always) but we fix it with
// this manual check. We still allow the above code to run, even if we need to suppress keyboard input right after
// that.
if (bInputEnabled && !GameViewport->Viewport->IsForegroundWindow() && InputMode == EInputMode::MouseAndKeyboard)
UpdateInputMode(false, IsDirectlyHovered());
void SImGuiWidget::UpdateInputMode(bool bHasKeyboardFocus, bool bHasMousePointer)
const EInputMode NewInputMode =
bHasKeyboardFocus ? EInputMode::MouseAndKeyboard :
bHasMousePointer ? EInputMode::MousePointerOnly :
if (InputMode != NewInputMode)
UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, Verbose, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Input Mode changed from '%s' to '%s'."),
ContextIndex, TEXT_INPUT_MODE(InputMode), TEXT_INPUT_MODE(NewInputMode));
// We need to reset input components if we are either fully shutting down or we are downgrading from full to
// mouse-only input mode.
if (NewInputMode == EInputMode::None)
else if (InputMode == EInputMode::MouseAndKeyboard)
InputMode = NewInputMode;
if (InputMode != EInputMode::MouseAndKeyboard)
InputState.SetMousePointer(MouseCursorOverride == EMouseCursor::None && bHasMousePointer && CVars::DrawMouseCursor.GetValueOnGameThread() > 0);
void SImGuiWidget::UpdateMouseStatus()
// Note: Mouse leave events can get lost if other viewport takes mouse capture (for instance console is opened by
// different viewport when this widget is hovered). With that we lose a chance to cleanup and hide ImGui pointer.
// We could either update ImGui pointer in every frame or like below, use mouse events to catch when mouse is lost.
if (InputMode == EInputMode::MousePointerOnly)
if (!HasMouseEventNotification())
UpdateInputMode(false, IsDirectlyHovered());
void SImGuiWidget::OnPostImGuiUpdate()
if (InputMode != EInputMode::None)
// Remember values associated with input state send to ImGui, so we can use them when rendering frame output.
ImGuiFrameCanvasScale = CanvasScale;
ImGuiFrameCanvasOffset = CanvasOffset;
// Update canvas scale.
void SImGuiWidget::UpdateCanvasMapMode(const FInputEvent& InputEvent)
SetCanvasMapMode(InputEvent.IsLeftAltDown() && InputEvent.IsLeftShiftDown());
void SImGuiWidget::SetCanvasMapMode(bool bEnabled)
if (bEnabled != bCanvasMapMode)
bCanvasMapMode = bEnabled;
if (!bCanvasMapMode)
if (TargetCanvasScale != 1.f)
TargetCanvasScale = 1.f;
bCanvasDragging = false;
bFrameDragging = false;
bFrameDraggingReady = false;
void SImGuiWidget::AddCanvasScale(float Delta)
TargetCanvasScale = FMath::Clamp(TargetCanvasScale + Delta * 0.05f, GetMinCanvasScale(), 1.f);
void SImGuiWidget::UdateCanvasScale(float DeltaSeconds)
if (CanvasScale != TargetCanvasScale)
CanvasScale = FMath::Lerp(CanvasScale, TargetCanvasScale, DeltaSeconds * 25.f);
if (FMath::Abs(CanvasScale - TargetCanvasScale) < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
CanvasScale = TargetCanvasScale;
// If viewport frame is being dragged, move mouse to fix de-synchronization caused by scaling.
if (bFrameDragging)
const FVector2D Position = GetCanvasPosition(CanvasScale, CanvasOffset) - CanvasScale * CanvasOffset + GetViewportSize() * CanvasScale * 0.5f;
GameViewport->Viewport->SetMouse((int32)Position.X, (int32)Position.Y);
// Ignore next mouse movement, so this syncing doesn't change canvas offset.
bFrameDraggingSkipMouseMove = true;
void SImGuiWidget::UpdateCanvasDraggingConditions(const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
if (bCanvasMapMode)
if (MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::RightMouseButton)
bCanvasDragging = !bFrameDragging && MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(EKeys::RightMouseButton)
&& CanvasScale > GetMinCanvasScale();
else if (MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::MiddleMouseButton)
bFrameDragging = bFrameDraggingReady && MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(EKeys::MiddleMouseButton);
if (bFrameDragging)
bFrameDraggingReady = false;
FORCEINLINE FVector2D Min(const FVector2D& A, const FVector2D& B)
return { FMath::Min(A.X, B.X), FMath::Min(A.Y, B.Y) };
FORCEINLINE FVector2D Max(const FVector2D& A, const FVector2D& B)
return { FMath::Max(A.X, B.X), FMath::Max(A.Y, B.Y) };
FORCEINLINE FVector2D Clamp(const FVector2D& V, const FVector2D& Min, const FVector2D& Max)
return { FMath::Clamp(V.X, Min.X, Max.X), FMath::Clamp(V.Y, Min.Y, Max.Y) };
void SImGuiWidget::UpdateCanvasDragging(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
// We only start on mouse button down but we handle finishing here, to make sure that we don't miss any release
// events (possible when tabbing out etc.).
bCanvasDragging &= MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(EKeys::RightMouseButton);
bFrameDragging &= MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(EKeys::MiddleMouseButton);
bool bMouseLeftCanvas = false;
FImGuiContextProxy* ContextProxy = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex);
if (ContextProxy && GameViewport.IsValid())
const FVector2D CanvasScreenSpacePosition = MyGeometry.AbsolutePosition + GetCanvasPosition(CanvasScale, CanvasOffset);
const FVector2D CanvasScreenSpaceMax = CanvasScreenSpacePosition + ContextProxy->GetDisplaySize() * CanvasScale;
bMouseLeftCanvas = (MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition().X > CanvasScreenSpaceMax.X) || (MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition().Y > CanvasScreenSpaceMax.Y);
if (bCanvasDragging)
CanvasOffset += MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta() / CanvasScale;
else if (bFrameDraggingSkipMouseMove)
bFrameDraggingSkipMouseMove = false;
else if (bFrameDragging)
// We can express canvas offset as a function of a viewport frame position and scale. With position and
// mouse deltas equal we can find a ratio between canvas offset and mouse position deltas.
const float DeltaPositionByOffset = (GetNormalizedCanvasScale(CanvasScale) - CanvasScale);
// Function for viewport frame positions behaves nicely when zooming but derived function for canvas offset
// delta has singularity in 1 - which actually makes sense because dragging frame loses context when it
// takes the whole widget area. We can handle that by preventing dragging when scale is 1.
if (DeltaPositionByOffset < 0.f)
// We drag viewport frame in a way that it always remain in the canvas rectangle (see below). But this
// creates a dead zone around the widget edges, and to handle that we clamp down all the mouse deltas
// while mouse is in that zone.
const FVector2D ViewportSizeScaled = GetViewportSize() * CanvasScale;
const FVector2D ActiveZoneMin = CanvasScreenSpacePosition + ViewportSizeScaled * 0.5f;
const FVector2D ActiveZoneMax = CanvasScreenSpaceMax - ViewportSizeScaled * 0.5f;
const FVector2D MaxLimits = Max(MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() - ActiveZoneMin, FVector2D::ZeroVector);
const FVector2D MinLimits = Min(MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() - ActiveZoneMax, FVector2D::ZeroVector);
CanvasOffset += Clamp(MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta(), MinLimits, MaxLimits) / FMath::Min(DeltaPositionByOffset, -0.1f);
if (bCanvasDragging || bFrameDragging)
// Clamping canvas offset keeps the whole viewport frame inside of the canvas rectangle.
const FVector2D ViewportSize = GetViewportSize();
const FVector2D DisplaySize = ContextProxy->GetDisplaySize();
CanvasOffset = Clamp(CanvasOffset, -DisplaySize + ViewportSize, FVector2D::ZeroVector);
bFrameDraggingReady = !bFrameDragging && !bCanvasDragging && CanvasScale < 1.f
&& InFrameGrabbingRange(MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() - MyGeometry.AbsolutePosition, CanvasScale, CanvasOffset);
const EMouseCursor::Type CursorTypeOverride = (bFrameDragging || bCanvasDragging) ? EMouseCursor::GrabHandClosed
: (bFrameDraggingReady) ? EMouseCursor::CardinalCross
: (bMouseLeftCanvas) ? EMouseCursor::Default
: EMouseCursor::None;
float SImGuiWidget::GetMinCanvasScale() const
const FVector2D ViewportSize = GetViewportSize();
const FVector2D CanvasSize = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex)->GetDisplaySize();
return FMath::Min(ViewportSize.X / CanvasSize.X, ViewportSize.Y / CanvasSize.Y);
float SImGuiWidget::GetNormalizedCanvasScale(float Scale) const
const float MinScale = GetMinCanvasScale();
return (Scale - MinScale) / (1.f - MinScale);
FVector2D SImGuiWidget::GetCanvasPosition(float Scale, const FVector2D& Offset) const
// Vast majority of calls will be with scale 1.0f.
return (Scale == 1.f) ? Offset : Offset * GetNormalizedCanvasScale(Scale);
bool SImGuiWidget::InFrameGrabbingRange(const FVector2D& Position, float Scale, const FVector2D& Offset) const
const FVector2D ViewportCenter = GetCanvasPosition(Scale, Offset) - Offset * Scale + GetViewportSize() * Scale * 0.5f;
// Get the grab range based on cursor shape.
FVector2D Size, UVMin, UVMax, OutlineUVMin, OutlineUVMax;
const float Range = ImGuiImplementation::GetCursorData(ImGuiMouseCursor_Move, Size, UVMin, UVMax, OutlineUVMin, OutlineUVMax)
? Size.GetMax() * 0.5f + 5.f : 25.f;
return (Position - ViewportCenter).GetAbsMax() <= Range;
FVector2D SImGuiWidget::GetViewportSize() const
FVector2D Size = FVector2D::ZeroVector;
if (GameViewport.IsValid())
return Size;
FORCEINLINE FVector2D RoundToFloat(const FVector2D& Vector)
return FVector2D{ FMath::RoundToFloat(Vector.X), FMath::RoundToFloat(Vector.Y) };
void AddLocalRectanglePoints(TArray<FVector2D> &OutPoints, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FVector2D& AbsoluteMin, const FVector2D& AbsoluteSize)
FVector2D LocalMin = AllottedGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal(AbsoluteMin) + FVector2D::UnitVector;
FVector2D LocalMax = AllottedGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal(AbsoluteMin + AbsoluteSize);
FVector2D(LocalMin.X, LocalMin.Y),
FVector2D(LocalMax.X, LocalMin.Y),
FVector2D(LocalMax.X, LocalMax.Y),
FVector2D(LocalMin.X, LocalMax.Y),
FVector2D(LocalMin.X, LocalMin.Y - 1.f) // -1 to close properly
void AddQuad(TArray<FSlateVertex>& OutVertexBuffer, TArray<SlateIndex>& OutIndexBuffer, const FVector2D& Position, const FVector2D& Size,
const FVector2D& UVMin, const FVector2D& UVMax, const FColor& Color, const FSlateRotatedClipRectType& InClipRect)
const uint32 IndexOffset = static_cast<uint32>(OutVertexBuffer.Num());
FVector2D Min = RoundToFloat(Position) + FVector2D::UnitVector * 0.5f;
FVector2D Max = RoundToFloat(Position + Size) + FVector2D::UnitVector * 0.5f;
FSlateVertex({}, { Min.X, Min.Y }, { UVMin.X, UVMin.Y }, Color, InClipRect),
FSlateVertex({}, { Max.X, Min.Y }, { UVMax.X, UVMin.Y }, Color, InClipRect),
FSlateVertex({}, { Max.X, Max.Y }, { UVMax.X, UVMax.Y }, Color, InClipRect),
FSlateVertex({}, { Min.X, Max.Y }, { UVMin.X, UVMax.Y }, Color, InClipRect)
OutIndexBuffer.Append({ IndexOffset + 0U, IndexOffset + 1U, IndexOffset + 2U, IndexOffset + 0U, IndexOffset + 2U, IndexOffset + 3U });
void AddQuad(TArray<FSlateVertex>& OutVertexBuffer, TArray<SlateIndex>& OutIndexBuffer, const FVector2D& Position, const FVector2D& Size,
const FVector2D& UVMin, const FVector2D& UVMax, const FColor& Color)
const uint32 IndexOffset = static_cast<uint32>(OutVertexBuffer.Num());
FVector2D Min = RoundToFloat(Position) + FVector2D::UnitVector * 0.5f;
FVector2D Max = RoundToFloat(Position + Size) + FVector2D::UnitVector * 0.5f;
FSlateVertex::Make<ESlateVertexRounding::Disabled>({}, { Min.X, Min.Y }, { UVMin.X, UVMin.Y }, Color),
FSlateVertex::Make<ESlateVertexRounding::Disabled>({}, { Max.X, Min.Y }, { UVMax.X, UVMin.Y }, Color),
FSlateVertex::Make<ESlateVertexRounding::Disabled>({}, { Max.X, Max.Y }, { UVMax.X, UVMax.Y }, Color),
FSlateVertex::Make<ESlateVertexRounding::Disabled>({}, { Min.X, Max.Y }, { UVMin.X, UVMax.Y }, Color)
OutIndexBuffer.Append({ IndexOffset + 0U, IndexOffset + 1U, IndexOffset + 2U, IndexOffset + 0U, IndexOffset + 2U, IndexOffset + 3U });
int32 SImGuiWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect,
FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& WidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) const
if (FImGuiContextProxy* ContextProxy = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex))
// Manually update ImGui context to minimise lag between creating and rendering ImGui output. This will also
// keep frame tearing at minimum because it is executed at the very end of the frame.
// Calculate offset that will transform vertex positions to screen space - rounded to avoid half pixel offsets.
const FVector2D CanvasScreenSpacePosition = MyClippingRect.GetTopLeft() + GetCanvasPosition(ImGuiFrameCanvasScale, ImGuiFrameCanvasOffset);
// Calculate transform between ImGui canvas ans screen space (scale and then offset in Screen Space).
const FTransform2D Transform{ ImGuiFrameCanvasScale, RoundToFloat(CanvasScreenSpacePosition) };
// Convert clipping rectangle to format required by Slate vertex.
const FSlateRotatedRect VertexClippingRect{ MyClippingRect };
for (const auto& DrawList : ContextProxy->GetDrawData())
DrawList.CopyVertexData(VertexBuffer, Transform, VertexClippingRect);
// Get access to the Slate scissor rectangle defined in Slate Core API, so we can customize elements drawing.
extern SLATECORE_API TOptional<FShortRect> GSlateScissorRect;
auto GSlateScissorRectSaver = ScopeGuards::MakeStateSaver(GSlateScissorRect);
DrawList.CopyVertexData(VertexBuffer, Transform);
int IndexBufferOffset = 0;
for (int CommandNb = 0; CommandNb < DrawList.NumCommands(); CommandNb++)
const auto& DrawCommand = DrawList.GetCommand(CommandNb, Transform);
DrawList.CopyIndexData(IndexBuffer, IndexBufferOffset, DrawCommand.NumElements);
// Advance offset by number of copied elements to position it for the next command.
IndexBufferOffset += DrawCommand.NumElements;
// Get texture resource handle for this draw command (null index will be also mapped to a valid texture).
const FSlateResourceHandle& Handle = ModuleManager->GetTextureManager().GetTextureHandle(DrawCommand.TextureId);
// Transform clipping rectangle to screen space and apply to elements that we draw.
const FSlateRect ClippingRect = DrawCommand.ClippingRect.IntersectionWith(MyClippingRect);
GSlateScissorRect = FShortRect{ ClippingRect };
OutDrawElements.PushClip(FSlateClippingZone{ ClippingRect });
// Add elements to the list.
FSlateDrawElement::MakeCustomVerts(OutDrawElements, LayerId, Handle, VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, nullptr, 0, 0);
// In canvas map mode we need to draw additional information helping with navigation and dragging.
if (bCanvasMapMode)
const FVector2D ViewportSizeScaled = GetViewportSize() * ImGuiFrameCanvasScale;
const FVector2D ViewportScreenSpacePosition = CanvasScreenSpacePosition - ImGuiFrameCanvasOffset * ImGuiFrameCanvasScale;
const FColor FrameColor = bFrameDraggingReady ? ViewportFrameHighlightColor : ViewportFrameColor;
TArray<FVector2D> Points;
if (ImGuiFrameCanvasScale < 1.f)
// Add a fader outside of the ImGui canvas if it is smaller than widget/viewport area.
const FVector2D CanvasSizeScaled = ContextProxy->GetDisplaySize() * ImGuiFrameCanvasScale;
const TextureIndex PlainTextureIndex = ModuleManager->GetTextureManager().FindTextureIndex(FName{ PlainTextureName });
if (PlainTextureIndex != INDEX_NONE)
const FVector2D CanvasScreenSpaceMax = CanvasScreenSpacePosition + CanvasSizeScaled;
const FVector2D WidgetScreenSpaceMax = MyClippingRect.GetBottomRight() - FVector2D::UnitVector;
FVector2D DeadZoneScreenSpaceMin = MyClippingRect.GetTopLeft();
if (CanvasScreenSpaceMax.X < WidgetScreenSpaceMax.X)
DeadZoneScreenSpaceMin.X = CanvasScreenSpaceMax.X;
else if(CanvasScreenSpaceMax.Y < WidgetScreenSpaceMax.Y)
DeadZoneScreenSpaceMin.Y = CanvasScreenSpaceMax.Y;
if (!DeadZoneScreenSpaceMin.Equals(MyClippingRect.GetTopLeft()))
IndexBuffer.SetNum(0, false);
VertexBuffer.SetNum(0, false);
AddQuad(VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, DeadZoneScreenSpaceMin, MyClippingRect.GetBottomRight() - DeadZoneScreenSpaceMin,
FVector2D::ZeroVector, FVector2D::ZeroVector, CanvasFrameColor.WithAlpha(128), VertexClippingRect);
AddQuad(VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, DeadZoneScreenSpaceMin, MyClippingRect.GetBottomRight() - DeadZoneScreenSpaceMin,
FVector2D::ZeroVector, FVector2D::ZeroVector, CanvasFrameColor.WithAlpha(128));
const FSlateResourceHandle& Handle = ModuleManager->GetTextureManager().GetTextureHandle(PlainTextureIndex);
FSlateDrawElement::MakeCustomVerts(OutDrawElements, LayerId, Handle, VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, nullptr, 0, 0);
// Draw a scaled canvas border.
AddLocalRectanglePoints(Points, AllottedGeometry, CanvasScreenSpacePosition, CanvasSizeScaled);
FSlateDrawElement::MakeLines(OutDrawElements, LayerId, AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(), Points, MyClippingRect,
ESlateDrawEffect::None, FLinearColor{ CanvasFrameColor }, false);
FSlateDrawElement::MakeLines(OutDrawElements, LayerId, AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(), Points,
ESlateDrawEffect::None, FLinearColor{ CanvasFrameColor }, false);
// Draw a movement gizmo (using ImGui move cursor).
FVector2D Size, UVMin, UVMax, OutlineUVMin, OutlineUVMax;
if (ImGuiImplementation::GetCursorData(ImGuiMouseCursor_Move, Size, UVMin, UVMax, OutlineUVMin, OutlineUVMax))
const TextureIndex FontAtlasIndex = ModuleManager->GetTextureManager().FindTextureIndex(FName{ FontAtlasTextureName });
if (FontAtlasIndex != INDEX_NONE)
IndexBuffer.SetNum(0, false);
VertexBuffer.SetNum(0, false);
AddQuad(VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, ViewportScreenSpacePosition + ViewportSizeScaled * 0.5f - Size * 0.375f, Size * 0.75f,
UVMin, UVMax, FrameColor.WithAlpha(bCanvasDragging ? 32 : 128), VertexClippingRect);
AddQuad(VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, ViewportScreenSpacePosition + ViewportSizeScaled * 0.5f - Size * 0.375f, Size * 0.75f,
UVMin, UVMax, FrameColor.WithAlpha(bCanvasDragging ? 32 : 128));
const FSlateResourceHandle& Handle = ModuleManager->GetTextureManager().GetTextureHandle(FontAtlasIndex);
FSlateDrawElement::MakeCustomVerts(OutDrawElements, LayerId, Handle, VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, nullptr, 0, 0);
// Draw frame representing area of the ImGui canvas that is visible when scale is 1.
Points.SetNum(0, false);
AddLocalRectanglePoints(Points, AllottedGeometry, ViewportScreenSpacePosition, ViewportSizeScaled);
FSlateDrawElement::MakeLines(OutDrawElements, LayerId, AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(), Points, MyClippingRect,
ESlateDrawEffect::None, FLinearColor{ FrameColor }, false);
FSlateDrawElement::MakeLines(OutDrawElements, LayerId, AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(), Points,
ESlateDrawEffect::None, FLinearColor{ FrameColor }, false);
return LayerId;
FVector2D SImGuiWidget::ComputeDesiredSize(float) const
return FVector2D{ 3840.f, 2160.f };
static TArray<FKey> GetImGuiMappedKeys()
TArray<FKey> Keys;
Keys.Reserve(Utilities::ArraySize<ImGuiInterops::ImGuiTypes::FKeyMap>::value + 8);
// ImGui IO key map.
// Modifier keys.
return Keys;
// Column layout utilities.
namespace Columns
template<typename FunctorType>
static void CollapsingGroup(const char* Name, int Columns, FunctorType&& DrawContent)
if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader(Name, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen))
const int LastColumns = ImGui::GetColumnsCount();
ImGui::Columns(Columns, nullptr, false);
// Controls tweaked for 2-columns layout.
namespace TwoColumns
template<typename FunctorType>
static inline void CollapsingGroup(const char* Name, FunctorType&& DrawContent)
Columns::CollapsingGroup(Name, 2, std::forward<FunctorType>(DrawContent));
void LabelText(const char* Label)
ImGui::Text("%s:", Label);
void LabelText(const wchar_t* Label)
ImGui::Text("%ls:", Label);
template<typename LabelType>
static void Value(LabelType&& Label, int32 Value)
LabelText(Label); ImGui::NextColumn();
ImGui::Text("%d", Value); ImGui::NextColumn();
template<typename LabelType>
static void Value(LabelType&& Label, uint32 Value)
LabelText(Label); ImGui::NextColumn();
ImGui::Text("%u", Value); ImGui::NextColumn();
template<typename LabelType>
static void Value(LabelType&& Label, float Value)
LabelText(Label); ImGui::NextColumn();
ImGui::Text("%f", Value); ImGui::NextColumn();
template<typename LabelType>
static void Value(LabelType&& Label, bool bValue)
LabelText(Label); ImGui::NextColumn();
ImGui::Text("%ls", TEXT_BOOL(bValue)); ImGui::NextColumn();
template<typename LabelType>
static void Value(LabelType&& Label, const TCHAR* Value)
LabelText(Label); ImGui::NextColumn();
ImGui::Text("%ls", Value); ImGui::NextColumn();
namespace Styles
template<typename FunctorType>
static void TextHighlight(bool bHighlight, FunctorType&& DrawContent)
if (bHighlight)
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, { 1.f, 1.f, 0.5f, 1.f });
if (bHighlight)
void SImGuiWidget::OnDebugDraw()
if (CVars::DebugWidget.GetValueOnGameThread() > 0)
bool bDebug = true;
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(380, 480), ImGuiSetCond_Once);
if (ImGui::Begin("ImGui Widget Debug", &bDebug))
TwoColumns::CollapsingGroup("Context", [&]()
TwoColumns::Value("Context Index", ContextIndex);
FImGuiContextProxy* ContextProxy = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex);
TwoColumns::Value("Context Name", ContextProxy ? *ContextProxy->GetName() : TEXT("< Null >"));
TwoColumns::Value("Game Viewport", *GameViewport->GetName());
TwoColumns::CollapsingGroup("Input Mode", [&]()
TwoColumns::Value("Input Enabled", bInputEnabled);
TwoColumns::Value("Input Mode", TEXT_INPUT_MODE(InputMode));
TwoColumns::Value("Input Has Mouse Pointer", InputState.HasMousePointer());
TwoColumns::CollapsingGroup("Widget", [&]()
TwoColumns::Value("Visibility", *GetVisibility().ToString());
TwoColumns::Value("Is Hovered", IsHovered());
TwoColumns::Value("Is Directly Hovered", IsDirectlyHovered());
TwoColumns::Value("Has Keyboard Input", HasKeyboardFocus());
TwoColumns::CollapsingGroup("Viewport", [&]()
const auto& ViewportWidget = GameViewport->GetGameViewportWidget();
TwoColumns::Value("Is Foreground Window", GameViewport->Viewport->IsForegroundWindow());
TwoColumns::Value("Is Hovered", ViewportWidget->IsHovered());
TwoColumns::Value("Is Directly Hovered", ViewportWidget->IsDirectlyHovered());
TwoColumns::Value("Has Mouse Capture", ViewportWidget->HasMouseCapture());
TwoColumns::Value("Has Keyboard Input", ViewportWidget->HasKeyboardFocus());
TwoColumns::Value("Has Focused Descendants", ViewportWidget->HasFocusedDescendants());
auto Widget = PreviousUserFocusedWidget.Pin();
TwoColumns::Value("Previous User Focused", Widget.IsValid() ? *Widget->GetTypeAsString() : TEXT("None"));
if (!bDebug)
CVars::DebugWidget->Set(0, ECVF_SetByConsole);
if (CVars::DebugInput.GetValueOnGameThread() > 0)
bool bDebug = true;
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(460, 480), ImGuiSetCond_Once);
if (ImGui::Begin("ImGui Input State", &bDebug))
const ImVec4 HiglightColor{ 1.f, 1.f, 0.5f, 1.f };
Columns::CollapsingGroup("Mapped Keys", 4, [&]()
static const auto& Keys = GetImGuiMappedKeys();
const int32 Num = Keys.Num();
// Simplified when slicing for two 2.
const int32 RowsNum = (Num + 1) / 2;
for (int32 Row = 0; Row < RowsNum; Row++)
for (int32 Col = 0; Col < 2; Col++)
const int32 Idx = Row + Col * RowsNum;
if (Idx < Num)
const FKey& Key = Keys[Idx];
const uint32 KeyIndex = ImGuiInterops::GetKeyIndex(Key);
Styles::TextHighlight(InputState.GetKeys()[KeyIndex], [&]()
TwoColumns::Value(*Key.GetDisplayName().ToString(), KeyIndex);
ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn();
Columns::CollapsingGroup("Modifier Keys", 4, [&]()
Styles::TextHighlight(InputState.IsShiftDown(), [&]() { ImGui::Text("Shift"); }); ImGui::NextColumn();
Styles::TextHighlight(InputState.IsControlDown(), [&]() { ImGui::Text("Control"); }); ImGui::NextColumn();
Styles::TextHighlight(InputState.IsAltDown(), [&]() { ImGui::Text("Alt"); }); ImGui::NextColumn();
Columns::CollapsingGroup("Mouse Buttons", 4, [&]()
static const FKey Buttons[] = { EKeys::LeftMouseButton, EKeys::RightMouseButton,
EKeys::MiddleMouseButton, EKeys::ThumbMouseButton, EKeys::ThumbMouseButton2 };
const int32 Num = Utilities::GetArraySize(Buttons);
// Simplified when slicing for two 2.
const int32 RowsNum = (Num + 1) / 2;
for (int32 Row = 0; Row < RowsNum; Row++)
for (int32 Col = 0; Col < 2; Col++)
const int32 Idx = Row + Col * RowsNum;
if (Idx < Num)
const FKey& Button = Buttons[Idx];
const uint32 MouseIndex = ImGuiInterops::GetMouseIndex(Button);
Styles::TextHighlight(InputState.GetMouseButtons()[MouseIndex], [&]()
TwoColumns::Value(*Button.GetDisplayName().ToString(), MouseIndex);
ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn();
Columns::CollapsingGroup("Mouse Axes", 4, [&]()
TwoColumns::Value("Position X", InputState.GetMousePosition().X);
TwoColumns::Value("Position Y", InputState.GetMousePosition().Y);
TwoColumns::Value("Wheel Delta", InputState.GetMouseWheelDelta());
ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn();
if (!bDebug)
CVars::DebugInput->Set(0, ECVF_SetByConsole);
#undef TEXT_BOOL