Sebastian 1a6aa98f51 Added support for session reloading and updated contexts and widgets management:
- Added to ImGui Context Proxy a name that is mapped to ini file set in ImGui context.
- ImGui Context Manager generates unique context names from world type and context index.
- Refactored ImGui Context Manager to have a cleaner separation between editor and non-editor bits.
- Fixed context update rules in ImGui Context Manager.
- Changed widgets management in ImGui Module Manager to allow automatic garbage collection after viewports are closed and manual removal when module is shutting down.
- ImGui Widgets are in full control of communication with context proxies.
- Added basic world context utilities.
- Refactored world context index utilities and replaced ambiguous 'default context index' with 'editor' and 'game' ones.
2017-09-27 21:16:54 +01:00

188 lines
5.3 KiB

// Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (see accompanying LICENSE file)
#include "ImGuiPrivatePCH.h"
#include "ImGuiModuleManager.h"
#include "ImGuiInteroperability.h"
#include "Utilities/WorldContextIndex.h"
#include <imgui.h>
// Typically we will use viewport created events to add widget to new game viewports.
ViewportCreatedHandle = UGameViewportClient::OnViewportCreated().AddRaw(this, &FImGuiModuleManager::OnViewportCreated);
// Initialize resources and start ticking. Depending on loading phase, this may fail if Slate is not yet ready.
// We need to add widgets to active game viewports as they won't generate on-created events. This is especially
// important during hot-reloading.
if (bInitialized)
// We are no longer interested with adding widgets to viewports.
if (ViewportCreatedHandle.IsValid())
// Remove still active widgets (important during hot-reloading).
for (auto& Widget : Widgets)
if (Widget.IsValid())
// Deactivate this manager.
void FImGuiModuleManager::Initialize()
// We rely on Slate, so we can only continue if it is already initialized.
if (!bInitialized && FSlateApplication::IsInitialized())
bInitialized = true;
void FImGuiModuleManager::Uninitialize()
if (bInitialized)
bInitialized = false;
void FImGuiModuleManager::LoadTextures()
checkf(FSlateApplication::IsInitialized(), TEXT("Slate should be initialized before we can create textures."));
// Create an empty texture at index 0. We will use it for ImGui outputs with null texture id.
TextureManager.CreatePlainTexture(FName{ "ImGuiModule_Null" }, 2, 2, FColor::White);
// Create a font atlas texture.
ImFontAtlas* Fonts = ImGui::GetIO().Fonts;
checkf(Fonts, TEXT("Invalid font atlas."));
unsigned char* Pixels;
int Width, Height, Bpp;
Fonts->GetTexDataAsRGBA32(&Pixels, &Width, &Height, &Bpp);
TextureIndex FontsTexureIndex = TextureManager.CreateTexture(FName{ "ImGuiModule_FontAtlas" }, Width, Height, Bpp, Pixels, false);
// Set font texture index in ImGui.
Fonts->TexID = ImGuiInterops::ToImTextureID(FontsTexureIndex);
void FImGuiModuleManager::RegisterTick()
checkf(FSlateApplication::IsInitialized(), TEXT("Slate should be initialized before we can register tick listener."));
// We will tick on Slate Post-Tick events. They are quite convenient as they happen at the very end of the frame,
// what helps to minimise tearing.
if (!TickDelegateHandle.IsValid())
TickDelegateHandle = FSlateApplication::Get().OnPostTick().AddRaw(this, &FImGuiModuleManager::Tick);
void FImGuiModuleManager::UnregisterTick()
if (TickDelegateHandle.IsValid())
if (FSlateApplication::IsInitialized())
bool FImGuiModuleManager::IsInUpdateThread()
// We can get ticks from the Game thread and Slate loading thread. In both cases IsInGameThread() is true, so we
// need to make additional test to filter out loading thread.
return IsInGameThread() && !IsInSlateThread();
void FImGuiModuleManager::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
if (IsInUpdateThread())
// Update context manager to advance all ImGui contexts to the next frame.
// Inform that we finished updating ImGui, so other subsystems can react.
void FImGuiModuleManager::OnViewportCreated()
checkf(FSlateApplication::IsInitialized(), TEXT("We expect Slate to be initialized when game viewport is created."));
// Make sure that all resources are initialized to handle configurations where this module is loaded before Slate.
// Create widget to viewport responsible for this event.
void FImGuiModuleManager::AddWidgetToViewport(UGameViewportClient* GameViewport)
checkf(GameViewport, TEXT("Null game viewport."));
checkf(FSlateApplication::IsInitialized(), TEXT("Slate should be initialized before we can add widget to game viewports."));
// This makes sure that context for this world is created.
auto& Proxy = ContextManager.GetWorldContextProxy(*GameViewport->GetWorld());
TSharedPtr<SImGuiWidget> Widget;
SAssignNew(Widget, SImGuiWidget).ModuleManager(this).GameViewport(GameViewport)
if (TWeakPtr<SImGuiWidget>* Slot = Widgets.FindByPredicate([](auto& Widget) { return !Widget.IsValid(); }))
*Slot = Widget;
void FImGuiModuleManager::AddWidgetToAllViewports()
checkf(FSlateApplication::IsInitialized(), TEXT("Slate should be initialized before we can add widget to game viewports."));
if (GEngine)
// Loop as long as we have a valid viewport or until we detect a cycle.
UGameViewportClient* GameViewport = GEngine->GameViewport;
while (GameViewport)
GameViewport = GEngine->GetNextPIEViewport(GameViewport);
if (GameViewport == GEngine->GameViewport)