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// Copyright 1998-2018 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include <Delegates/Delegate.h>
#include <UObject/Object.h>
#include "ImGuiModuleSettings.generated.h"
* Struct containing key information that can be used for key binding. Using 'Undetermined' value for modifier keys
* means that those keys should be ignored when testing for a match.
struct FImGuiKeyInfo
FKey Key;
ECheckBoxState Shift = ECheckBoxState::Undetermined;
ECheckBoxState Ctrl = ECheckBoxState::Undetermined;
ECheckBoxState Alt = ECheckBoxState::Undetermined;
ECheckBoxState Cmd = ECheckBoxState::Undetermined;
friend bool operator==(const FImGuiKeyInfo& Lhs, const FImGuiKeyInfo& Rhs)
return Lhs.Key == Rhs.Key
&& Lhs.Shift == Rhs.Shift
&& Lhs.Ctrl == Rhs.Ctrl
&& Lhs.Alt == Rhs.Alt
&& Lhs.Cmd == Rhs.Cmd;
friend bool operator!=(const FImGuiKeyInfo& Lhs, const FImGuiKeyInfo& Rhs)
return !(Lhs == Rhs);
// UObject used for loading and saving ImGui settings. To access actual settings use FImGuiModuleSettings interface.
UCLASS(config=ImGui, defaultconfig)
class UImGuiSettings : public UObject
// Get default instance or null if it is not loaded.
static UImGuiSettings* Get() { return DefaultInstance; }
// Delegate raised when default instance is loaded.
static FSimpleMulticastDelegate OnSettingsLoaded;
virtual void PostInitProperties() override;
virtual void BeginDestroy() override;
// Path to own implementation of ImGui Input Handler allowing to customize handling of keyboard and gamepad input.
// If not set then default handler is used.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config, Category = "Extensions", meta = (MetaClass = "ImGuiInputHandler"))
FStringClassReference ImGuiInputHandlerClass;
// Whether ImGui should share keyboard input with game.
// This defines initial behaviour which can be later changed using 'ImGui.ToggleKeyboardInputSharing' command or
// module properties interface.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config, Category = "Input")
bool bShareKeyboardInput = false;
// Whether ImGui should share gamepad input with game.
// This defines initial behaviour which can be later changed using 'ImGui.ToggleGamepadInputSharing' command or
// module properties interface.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config, Category = "Input")
bool bShareGamepadInput = false;
// If true, then in input mode ImGui will draw its own cursor in place of the hardware one.
// When disabled (default) there is a noticeable difference between cursor position seen by ImGui and position on
// the screen. Enabling this option removes that effect but with lower frame-rates UI becomes quickly unusable.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config, Category = "Input", AdvancedDisplay)
bool bUseSoftwareCursor = false;
// Define a shortcut key to 'ImGui.ToggleInput' command. Binding is only set if the key field is valid.
// Note that modifier key properties can be set to one of the three values: undetermined means that state of the given
// modifier is not important, checked means that it needs to be pressed and unchecked means that it cannot be pressed.
// This binding is using Player Input's DebugExecBindings which only works in non-shipment builds.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config, Category = "Keyboard Shortcuts")
FImGuiKeyInfo ToggleInput;
// Deprecated name for ToggleInput. Kept temporarily to automatically move old configuration.
FImGuiKeyInfo SwitchInputModeKey_DEPRECATED;
static UImGuiSettings* DefaultInstance;
friend class FImGuiModuleSettings;
class FImGuiModuleCommands;
class FImGuiModuleProperties;
// Interface for ImGui module settings. It shadows all the settings and keep them in sync after UImGuiSettings class is
// loaded, but it can also work before that time what simplifies workflow in early-loading scenarios.
// It binds to module properties and commands objects that need to be passed during construction.
class FImGuiModuleSettings
// Generic delegate used to notify changes of boolean properties.
DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FBoolChangeDelegate, bool);
DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FStringClassReferenceChangeDelegate, const FStringClassReference&);
// Constructor for ImGui module settings. It will bind to instances of module properties and commands and will
// update them every time when settings are changed.
// @param InProperties - Instance of module properties that will be bound and updated by this object.
// @param InCommands - Instance of module commands that will be bound and updated by this object.
FImGuiModuleSettings(FImGuiModuleProperties& InProperties, FImGuiModuleCommands& InCommands);
// It doesn't offer interface for settings that define initial values for properties, as those are passed during
// start-up and should be accessed trough properties interface. Remaining settings can have getter and/or change
// event that are defined depending on needs.
// Get the path to custom implementation of ImGui Input Handler.
const FStringClassReference& GetImGuiInputHandlerClass() const { return ImGuiInputHandlerClass; }
// Get the software cursor configuration.
bool UseSoftwareCursor() const { return bUseSoftwareCursor; }
// Get the shortcut configuration for 'ImGui.ToggleInput' command.
const FImGuiKeyInfo& GetToggleInputKey() const { return ToggleInputKey; }
// Delegate raised when ImGui Input Handle is changed.
FStringClassReferenceChangeDelegate OnImGuiInputHandlerClassChanged;
// Delegate raised when software cursor configuration is changed.
FBoolChangeDelegate OnUseSoftwareCursorChanged;
void UpdateSettings();
void SetImGuiInputHandlerClass(const FStringClassReference& ClassReference);
void SetShareKeyboardInput(bool bShare);
void SetShareGamepadInput(bool bShare);
void SetUseSoftwareCursor(bool bUse);
void SetToggleInputKey(const FImGuiKeyInfo& KeyInfo);
void OnPropertyChanged(class UObject* ObjectBeingModified, struct FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
FImGuiModuleProperties& Properties;
FImGuiModuleCommands& Commands;
FStringClassReference ImGuiInputHandlerClass;
FImGuiKeyInfo ToggleInputKey;
bool bShareKeyboardInput = false;
bool bShareGamepadInput = false;
bool bUseSoftwareCursor = false;