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synced 2025-01-18 16:30:32 +00:00
- The old DPI Scale setting was replaced by DPI Scaling Info, which contains information about scale and method of scaling. - ImGui Context Manager handles scaling in ImGui by scaling all styles, rebuilding fonts using a different size, and raising OnFontAtlasBuilt event. - ImGui Module Manager uses OnFontAtlasBuilt event to rebuild font textures. - The update policy in Texture Manager was loosened to update existing resources rather than throwing an exception. This is less strict but it is now more useful since our main texture can now change. The throwing behavior used in the public interface is now handled before calling to the Texture Manager.
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// Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (see accompanying LICENSE file)
#pragma once
#include "ImGuiContextProxy.h"
class FImGuiModuleSettings;
// TODO: It might be useful to broadcast FContextProxyCreatedDelegate to users, to support similar cases to our ImGui
// demo, but we would need to remove from that interface internal classes.
// Delegate called when new context proxy is created.
// @param ContextIndex - Index for that world
// @param ContextProxy - Created context proxy
DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FContextProxyCreatedDelegate, int32, FImGuiContextProxy&);
// Manages ImGui context proxies.
class FImGuiContextManager
FImGuiContextManager(FImGuiModuleSettings& InSettings);
FImGuiContextManager(const FImGuiContextManager&) = delete;
FImGuiContextManager& operator=(const FImGuiContextManager&) = delete;
FImGuiContextManager(FImGuiContextManager&&) = delete;
FImGuiContextManager& operator=(FImGuiContextManager&&) = delete;
ImFontAtlas& GetFontAtlas() { return FontAtlas; }
const ImFontAtlas& GetFontAtlas() const { return FontAtlas; }
// Get or create editor ImGui context proxy.
FORCEINLINE FImGuiContextProxy& GetEditorContextProxy() { return *GetEditorContextData().ContextProxy; }
// Get or create standalone game ImGui context proxy.
FORCEINLINE FImGuiContextProxy& GetWorldContextProxy() { return *GetStandaloneWorldContextData().ContextProxy; }
// Get or create ImGui context proxy for given world.
FORCEINLINE FImGuiContextProxy& GetWorldContextProxy(const UWorld& World) { return *GetWorldContextData(World).ContextProxy; }
// Get or create ImGui context proxy for given world. Additionally get context index for that proxy.
FORCEINLINE FImGuiContextProxy& GetWorldContextProxy(const UWorld& World, int32& OutContextIndex) { return *GetWorldContextData(World, &OutContextIndex).ContextProxy; }
// Get context proxy by index, or null if context with that index doesn't exist.
FORCEINLINE FImGuiContextProxy* GetContextProxy(int32 ContextIndex)
FContextData* Data = Contexts.Find(ContextIndex);
return Data ? Data->ContextProxy.Get() : nullptr;
// Delegate called for all contexts in manager, right after calling context specific draw event. Allows listeners
// draw the same content to multiple contexts.
FSimpleMulticastDelegate OnDrawMultiContext;
// Delegate called when a new context proxy is created.
FContextProxyCreatedDelegate OnContextProxyCreated;
// Delegate called after font atlas is built.
FSimpleMulticastDelegate OnFontAtlasBuilt;
void Tick(float DeltaSeconds);
struct FContextData
FContextData(const FString& ContextName, int32 ContextIndex, FSimpleMulticastDelegate& SharedDrawEvent, ImFontAtlas& FontAtlas, int32 InPIEInstance = -1)
: PIEInstance(InPIEInstance)
, ContextProxy(new FImGuiContextProxy(ContextName, ContextIndex, &SharedDrawEvent, &FontAtlas))
FORCEINLINE bool CanTick() const { return PIEInstance < 0 || GEngine->GetWorldContextFromPIEInstance(PIEInstance); }
int32 PIEInstance = -1;
TUniquePtr<FImGuiContextProxy> ContextProxy;
void OnWorldTickStart(ELevelTick TickType, float DeltaSeconds);
void OnWorldTickStart(UWorld* World, ELevelTick TickType, float DeltaSeconds);
void OnWorldPostActorTick(UWorld* World, ELevelTick TickType, float DeltaSeconds);
FContextData& GetEditorContextData();
FContextData& GetStandaloneWorldContextData();
FContextData& GetWorldContextData(const UWorld& World, int32* OutContextIndex = nullptr);
void SetDPIScale(const FImGuiDPIScaleInfo& ScaleInfo);
void BuildFontAtlas();
void RebuildFontAtlas();
TMap<int32, FContextData> Contexts;
ImFontAtlas FontAtlas;
TArray<TUniquePtr<ImFontAtlas>> FontResourcesToRelease;
FImGuiModuleSettings& Settings;
float DPIScale = -1.f;
int32 FontResourcesReleaseCountdown = 0;