Sebastian 35f2d342a0 Added support for ImGui context update and rendering:
- Added ImGui Module Manager that that implements module logic and manages other module resources.
- Added Texture Manager to manage texture resources and maps them to index that can be passed to ImGui context.
- Added Context Proxy that represents and manages a single ImGui context.
- Added Slate ImGui Widget to render ImGui output.
2017-03-26 21:32:57 +01:00

66 lines
2.6 KiB

// Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (see accompanying LICENSE file)
#include "ImGuiPrivatePCH.h"
#include "SImGuiWidget.h"
#include "ImGuiModuleManager.h"
#include "TextureManager.h"
#include "Utilities/ScopeGuards.h"
void SImGuiWidget::Construct(const FArguments& InArgs)
checkf(InArgs._ModuleManager, TEXT("Null Module Manager argument"));
ModuleManager = InArgs._ModuleManager;
int32 SImGuiWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect,
FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& WidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) const
// Calculate offset that will transform vertex positions to screen space - rounded to avoid half pixel offsets.
const FVector2D VertexPositionOffset{ FMath::RoundToFloat(MyClippingRect.Left), FMath::RoundToFloat(MyClippingRect.Top) };
// Convert clipping rectangle to format required by Slate vertex.
const FSlateRotatedRect VertexClippingRect{ MyClippingRect };
for (const auto& DrawList : ModuleManager->GetContextProxy().GetDrawData())
DrawList.CopyVertexData(VertexBuffer, VertexPositionOffset, VertexClippingRect);
// Get access to the Slate scissor rectangle defined in Slate Core API, so we can customize elements drawing.
extern SLATECORE_API TOptional<FShortRect> GSlateScissorRect;
auto GSlateScissorRectSaver = ScopeGuards::MakeStateSaver(GSlateScissorRect);
int IndexBufferOffset = 0;
for (int CommandNb = 0; CommandNb < DrawList.NumCommands(); CommandNb++)
const auto& DrawCommand = DrawList.GetCommand(CommandNb);
DrawList.CopyIndexData(IndexBuffer, IndexBufferOffset, DrawCommand.NumElements);
// Advance offset by number of copied elements to position it for the next command.
IndexBufferOffset += DrawCommand.NumElements;
// Get texture resource handle for this draw command (null index will be also mapped to a valid texture).
const FSlateResourceHandle& Handle = ModuleManager->GetTextureManager().GetTextureHandle(DrawCommand.TextureId);
// Transform clipping rectangle to screen space and set in Slate, to apply it to elements that we draw.
GSlateScissorRect = FShortRect{ DrawCommand.ClippingRect.OffsetBy(MyClippingRect.GetTopLeft()).IntersectionWith(MyClippingRect) };
// Add elements to the list.
FSlateDrawElement::MakeCustomVerts(OutDrawElements, LayerId, Handle, VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, nullptr, 0, 0);
return LayerId;
FVector2D SImGuiWidget::ComputeDesiredSize(float) const
return FVector2D{ 3840.f, 2160.f };