Sebastian 052ae0a201 Reduced lag between producing ImGui output and rendering it:
- ImGui Context Proxy Tick function has been split for Tick and Draw. Both functions may now be called separately from different places but they will be processed only once per frame. This opens possibility to define own mechanisms to trigger draw events and to independently update contexts.
- Multi-context draw event delegate is passed to ImGui Context Proxy during construction rather than as an argument of Tick function.
- To minimise lag between ending ImGui frame and rendering its output, ImGui Widget updates its own context just before painting.
- Contexts without widget (editor, dedicated server) are updated by manager during post-tick event.
- Instead of setting global CurrentContextIndex by ImGui Context Manager, information about context is passed to ImGui Demo as part of a closure.
- Fixed bug in ImGui Demo where inactive contexts were triggering multi-PIE warning.
2018-03-18 19:45:08 +00:00

182 lines
4.5 KiB

// Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (see accompanying LICENSE file)
#include "ImGuiPrivatePCH.h"
#include "ImGuiContextManager.h"
#include "ImGuiImplementation.h"
#include "Utilities/ScopeGuards.h"
#include "Utilities/WorldContext.h"
#include "Utilities/WorldContextIndex.h"
#include <imgui.h>
// Name for editor ImGui context.
FORCEINLINE FString GetEditorContextName()
return TEXT("Editor");
// Name for world ImGui context.
FORCEINLINE FString GetWorldContextName(const UWorld& World)
using namespace Utilities;
const FWorldContext* WorldContext = GetWorldContext(World);
switch (WorldContext->WorldType)
case EWorldType::PIE:
return FString::Printf(TEXT("PIEContext%d"), GetWorldContextIndex(*WorldContext));
case EWorldType::Game:
return TEXT("Game");
case EWorldType::Editor:
return TEXT("Editor");
return TEXT("Other");
FORCEINLINE FString GetWorldContextName()
return TEXT("Game");
FORCEINLINE FString GetWorldContextName(const UWorld&)
return TEXT("Game");
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
FWorldDelegates::OnWorldTickStart.AddRaw(this, &FImGuiContextManager::OnWorldTickStart);
// Order matters because contexts can be created during World Tick Start events.
void FImGuiContextManager::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
// In editor, worlds can get invalid. We could remove corresponding entries, but that would mean resetting ImGui
// context every time when PIE session is restarted. Instead we freeze contexts until their worlds are re-created.
for (auto& Pair : Contexts)
auto& ContextData = Pair.Value;
if (ContextData.CanTick())
void FImGuiContextManager::OnWorldTickStart(ELevelTick TickType, float DeltaSeconds)
if (GWorld)
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
FImGuiContextManager::FContextData& FImGuiContextManager::GetEditorContextData()
FContextData* Data = Contexts.Find(Utilities::EDITOR_CONTEXT_INDEX);
if (UNLIKELY(!Data))
Data = &Contexts.Emplace(Utilities::EDITOR_CONTEXT_INDEX, FContextData{ GetEditorContextName(), Utilities::EDITOR_CONTEXT_INDEX, DrawMultiContextEvent, ImGuiDemo, -1 });
return *Data;
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
FImGuiContextManager::FContextData& FImGuiContextManager::GetStandaloneWorldContextData()
FContextData* Data = Contexts.Find(Utilities::STANDALONE_GAME_CONTEXT_INDEX);
if (UNLIKELY(!Data))
Data = &Contexts.Emplace(Utilities::STANDALONE_GAME_CONTEXT_INDEX, FContextData{ GetWorldContextName(), Utilities::STANDALONE_GAME_CONTEXT_INDEX, DrawMultiContextEvent, ImGuiDemo });
return *Data;
#endif // !WITH_EDITOR
FImGuiContextManager::FContextData& FImGuiContextManager::GetWorldContextData(const UWorld& World, int32* OutIndex)
using namespace Utilities;
if (World.WorldType == EWorldType::Editor)
if (OutIndex)
*OutIndex = Utilities::EDITOR_CONTEXT_INDEX;
return GetEditorContextData();
const FWorldContext* WorldContext = GetWorldContext(World);
const int32 Index = GetWorldContextIndex(*WorldContext);
checkf(Index != Utilities::INVALID_CONTEXT_INDEX, TEXT("Couldn't find context index for world %s: WorldType = %d"),
*World.GetName(), static_cast<int32>(World.WorldType));
checkf(!GEngine->IsEditor() || Index != Utilities::EDITOR_CONTEXT_INDEX,
TEXT("Context index %d is reserved for editor and cannot be used for world %s: WorldType = %d, NetMode = %d"),
Index, *World.GetName(), static_cast<int32>(World.WorldType), static_cast<int32>(World.GetNetMode()));
FContextData* Data = Contexts.Find(Index);
if (UNLIKELY(!Data))
Data = &Contexts.Emplace(Index, FContextData{ GetWorldContextName(World), Index, DrawMultiContextEvent, ImGuiDemo, WorldContext->PIEInstance });
// Because we allow (for the sake of continuity) to map different PIE instances to the same index.
Data->PIEInstance = WorldContext->PIEInstance;
if (UNLIKELY(!Data))
Data = &Contexts.Emplace(Index, FContextData{ GetWorldContextName(World), Index, DrawMultiContextEvent, ImGuiDemo });
if (OutIndex)
*OutIndex = Index;
return *Data;