// Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (see accompanying LICENSE file) #include "ImGuiPrivatePCH.h" #include "SImGuiWidget.h" #include "ImGuiContextManager.h" #include "ImGuiContextProxy.h" #include "ImGuiInteroperability.h" #include "ImGuiModuleManager.h" #include "TextureManager.h" #include "Utilities/ScopeGuards.h" #include #include // High enough z-order guarantees that ImGui output is rendered on top of the game UI. constexpr int32 IMGUI_WIDGET_Z_ORDER = 10000; DEFINE_LOG_CATEGORY_STATIC(LogImGuiWidget, Warning, All); #define TEXT_INPUT_MODE(Val) (\ (Val) == EInputMode::MouseAndKeyboard ? TEXT("MouseAndKeyboard") :\ (Val) == EInputMode::MousePointerOnly ? TEXT("MousePointerOnly") :\ TEXT("None")) #define TEXT_BOOL(Val) ((Val) ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false")) namespace CVars { TAutoConsoleVariable InputEnabled(TEXT("ImGui.InputEnabled"), 0, TEXT("Enable or disable ImGui input mode.\n") TEXT("0: disabled (default)\n") TEXT("1: enabled, input is routed to ImGui and with a few exceptions is consumed"), ECVF_Default); TAutoConsoleVariable DrawMouseCursor(TEXT("ImGui.DrawMouseCursor"), 0, TEXT("Whether or not mouse cursor in input mode should be drawn by ImGui.\n") TEXT("0: disabled, hardware cursor will be used (default)\n") TEXT("1: enabled, ImGui will take care for drawing mouse cursor"), ECVF_Default); TAutoConsoleVariable DebugWidget(TEXT("ImGui.Debug.Widget"), 0, TEXT("Show debug for SImGuiWidget.\n") TEXT("0: disabled (default)\n") TEXT("1: enabled"), ECVF_Default); TAutoConsoleVariable DebugInput(TEXT("ImGui.Debug.Input"), 0, TEXT("Show debug for input state.\n") TEXT("0: disabled (default)\n") TEXT("1: enabled"), ECVF_Default); } BEGIN_SLATE_FUNCTION_BUILD_OPTIMIZATION void SImGuiWidget::Construct(const FArguments& InArgs) { checkf(InArgs._ModuleManager, TEXT("Null Module Manager argument")); checkf(InArgs._GameViewport, TEXT("Null Game Viewport argument")); ModuleManager = InArgs._ModuleManager; GameViewport = InArgs._GameViewport; ContextIndex = InArgs._ContextIndex; // NOTE: We could allow null game viewports (for instance to attach to non-viewport widgets) but we would need // to modify a few functions that assume valid viewport pointer. GameViewport->AddViewportWidgetContent(SharedThis(this), IMGUI_WIDGET_Z_ORDER); // Disable mouse cursor over this widget as we will use ImGui to draw it. SetCursor(EMouseCursor::None); // Sync visibility with default input enabled state. SetVisibilityFromInputEnabled(); // Register to get post-update notifications, so we can clean frame updates. ModuleManager->OnPostImGuiUpdate().AddRaw(this, &SImGuiWidget::OnPostImGuiUpdate); // Bind this widget to its context proxy. auto* ContextProxy = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex); checkf(ContextProxy, TEXT("Missing context during widget construction: ContextIndex = %d"), ContextIndex); ContextProxy->OnDraw().AddRaw(this, &SImGuiWidget::OnDebugDraw); ContextProxy->SetInputState(&InputState); } END_SLATE_FUNCTION_BUILD_OPTIMIZATION SImGuiWidget::~SImGuiWidget() { // Remove binding between this widget and its context proxy. if (auto* ContextProxy = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex)) { ContextProxy->OnDraw().RemoveAll(this); ContextProxy->RemoveInputState(&InputState); } // Unregister from post-update notifications. ModuleManager->OnPostImGuiUpdate().RemoveAll(this); } void SImGuiWidget::Detach() { if (GameViewport.IsValid()) { GameViewport->RemoveViewportWidgetContent(SharedThis(this)); GameViewport.Reset(); } } void SImGuiWidget::Tick(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime) { Super::Tick(AllottedGeometry, InCurrentTime, InDeltaTime); UpdateMouseStatus(); // Note: Moving that update to console variable sink or callback might seem like a better alternative but input // setup in this function is better handled here. UpdateInputEnabled(); } FReply SImGuiWidget::OnKeyChar(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FCharacterEvent& CharacterEvent) { if (IsConsoleOpened()) { return FReply::Unhandled(); } InputState.AddCharacter(CharacterEvent.GetCharacter()); return FReply::Handled(); } FReply SImGuiWidget::OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent) { if (IsConsoleOpened() || IgnoreKeyEvent(KeyEvent)) { return FReply::Unhandled(); } InputState.SetKeyDown(ImGuiInterops::GetKeyIndex(KeyEvent), true); CopyModifierKeys(KeyEvent); // If this is tilde key then let input through and release the focus to allow console to process it. if (KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Tilde) { return FReply::Unhandled(); } return FReply::Handled(); } FReply SImGuiWidget::OnKeyUp(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent) { // Even if we don't send new keystrokes to ImGui, we still handle key up events, to make sure that we clear keys // pressed before suppressing keyboard input. InputState.SetKeyDown(ImGuiInterops::GetKeyIndex(KeyEvent), false); CopyModifierKeys(KeyEvent); // If console is opened we notify key change but we also let event trough, so it can be handled by console. return IsConsoleOpened() ? FReply::Unhandled() : FReply::Handled(); } FReply SImGuiWidget::OnMouseButtonDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent) { InputState.SetMouseDown(ImGuiInterops::GetMouseIndex(MouseEvent), true); CopyModifierKeys(MouseEvent); return FReply::Handled(); } FReply SImGuiWidget::OnMouseButtonDoubleClick(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent) { InputState.SetMouseDown(ImGuiInterops::GetMouseIndex(MouseEvent), true); CopyModifierKeys(MouseEvent); return FReply::Handled(); } FReply SImGuiWidget::OnMouseButtonUp(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent) { InputState.SetMouseDown(ImGuiInterops::GetMouseIndex(MouseEvent), false); CopyModifierKeys(MouseEvent); return FReply::Handled(); } FReply SImGuiWidget::OnMouseWheel(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent) { InputState.AddMouseWheelDelta(MouseEvent.GetWheelDelta()); CopyModifierKeys(MouseEvent); return FReply::Handled(); } FCursorReply SImGuiWidget::OnCursorQuery(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& CursorEvent) const { EMouseCursor::Type MouseCursor = EMouseCursor::None; if (CVars::DrawMouseCursor.GetValueOnGameThread() <= 0) { if (FImGuiContextProxy* ContextProxy = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex)) { MouseCursor = ContextProxy->GetMouseCursor(); } } return FCursorReply::Cursor(MouseCursor); } FReply SImGuiWidget::OnMouseMove(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent) { InputState.SetMousePosition(MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() - MyGeometry.AbsolutePosition); CopyModifierKeys(MouseEvent); // This event is called in every frame when we have a mouse, so we can use it to raise notifications. NotifyMouseEvent(); return FReply::Handled(); } FReply SImGuiWidget::OnFocusReceived(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FFocusEvent& FocusEvent) { Super::OnFocusReceived(MyGeometry, FocusEvent); UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, VeryVerbose, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Focus Received."), ContextIndex); // If widget has a keyboard focus we always maintain mouse input. Technically, if mouse is outside of the widget // area it won't generate events but we freeze its state until it either comes back or input is completely lost. UpdateInputMode(true, IsDirectlyHovered()); FSlateApplication::Get().ResetToDefaultPointerInputSettings(); return FReply::Handled(); } void SImGuiWidget::OnFocusLost(const FFocusEvent& FocusEvent) { Super::OnFocusLost(FocusEvent); UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, VeryVerbose, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Focus Lost."), ContextIndex); UpdateInputMode(false, IsDirectlyHovered()); } void SImGuiWidget::OnMouseEnter(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent) { Super::OnMouseEnter(MyGeometry, MouseEvent); UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, VeryVerbose, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Mouse Enter."), ContextIndex); // If mouse enters while input is active then we need to update mouse buttons because there is a chance that we // missed some events. if (InputMode != EInputMode::None) { for (const FKey& Button : { EKeys::LeftMouseButton, EKeys::MiddleMouseButton, EKeys::RightMouseButton, EKeys::ThumbMouseButton, EKeys::ThumbMouseButton2 }) { InputState.SetMouseDown(ImGuiInterops::GetMouseIndex(Button), MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(Button)); } } UpdateInputMode(HasKeyboardFocus(), true); } void SImGuiWidget::OnMouseLeave(const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent) { Super::OnMouseLeave(MouseEvent); UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, VeryVerbose, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Mouse Leave."), ContextIndex); // We don't get any events when application loses focus, but often this is followed by OnMouseLeave, so we can use // this event to immediately disable keyboard input if application lost focus. UpdateInputMode(HasKeyboardFocus() && GameViewport->Viewport->IsForegroundWindow(), false); } void SImGuiWidget::CopyModifierKeys(const FInputEvent& InputEvent) { InputState.SetControlDown(InputEvent.IsControlDown()); InputState.SetShiftDown(InputEvent.IsShiftDown()); InputState.SetAltDown(InputEvent.IsAltDown()); } void SImGuiWidget::CopyModifierKeys(const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent) { if (InputMode == EInputMode::MousePointerOnly) { CopyModifierKeys(static_cast(MouseEvent)); } } bool SImGuiWidget::IsConsoleOpened() const { return GameViewport->ViewportConsole && GameViewport->ViewportConsole->ConsoleState != NAME_None; } bool SImGuiWidget::IgnoreKeyEvent(const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent) const { // Ignore console open/close events. if (KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Tilde) { return true; } // Ignore escape keys unless they are needed to cancel operations in ImGui. if (KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Escape) { auto* ContextProxy = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex); if (!ContextProxy || !ContextProxy->HasActiveItem()) { return true; } } return false; } void SImGuiWidget::SetVisibilityFromInputEnabled() { // If we don't use input disable hit test to make this widget invisible for cursors hit detection. SetVisibility(bInputEnabled ? EVisibility::Visible : EVisibility::HitTestInvisible); UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, VeryVerbose, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Visibility updated to '%s'."), ContextIndex, *GetVisibility().ToString()); } void SImGuiWidget::UpdateInputEnabled() { const bool bEnabled = CVars::InputEnabled.GetValueOnGameThread() > 0; if (bInputEnabled != bEnabled) { bInputEnabled = bEnabled; UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, Log, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Input Enabled changed to '%s'."), ContextIndex, TEXT_BOOL(bInputEnabled)); SetVisibilityFromInputEnabled(); if (!bInputEnabled) { auto& Slate = FSlateApplication::Get(); if (Slate.GetKeyboardFocusedWidget().Get() == this) { Slate.ResetToDefaultPointerInputSettings(); Slate.SetUserFocus(Slate.GetUserIndexForKeyboard(), PreviousUserFocusedWidget.IsValid() ? PreviousUserFocusedWidget.Pin() : GameViewport->GetGameViewportWidget()); } PreviousUserFocusedWidget.Reset(); UpdateInputMode(false, false); } } // Note: Some widgets, like console, can reset focus to viewport after we already grabbed it. If we detect that // viewport has a focus while input is enabled we will take it. if (bInputEnabled && !HasKeyboardFocus() && !IsConsoleOpened()) { const auto& ViewportWidget = GameViewport->GetGameViewportWidget(); if (ViewportWidget->HasKeyboardFocus() || ViewportWidget->HasFocusedDescendants()) { auto& Slate = FSlateApplication::Get(); PreviousUserFocusedWidget = Slate.GetUserFocusedWidget(Slate.GetUserIndexForKeyboard()); Slate.SetKeyboardFocus(SharedThis(this)); } } // We don't get any events when application loses focus (we get OnMouseLeave but not always) but we fix it with // this manual check. We still allow the above code to run, even if we need to suppress keyboard input right after // that. if (bInputEnabled && !GameViewport->Viewport->IsForegroundWindow() && InputMode == EInputMode::MouseAndKeyboard) { UpdateInputMode(false, IsDirectlyHovered()); } } void SImGuiWidget::UpdateInputMode(bool bHasKeyboardFocus, bool bHasMousePointer) { const EInputMode NewInputMode = bHasKeyboardFocus ? EInputMode::MouseAndKeyboard : bHasMousePointer ? EInputMode::MousePointerOnly : EInputMode::None; if (InputMode != NewInputMode) { UE_LOG(LogImGuiWidget, Verbose, TEXT("ImGui Widget %d - Input Mode changed from '%s' to '%s'."), ContextIndex, TEXT_INPUT_MODE(InputMode), TEXT_INPUT_MODE(NewInputMode)); // We need to reset input components if we are either fully shutting down or we are downgrading from full to // mouse-only input mode. if (NewInputMode == EInputMode::None) { InputState.ResetState(); } else if (InputMode == EInputMode::MouseAndKeyboard) { InputState.ResetKeyboardState(); } InputMode = NewInputMode; ClearMouseEventNotification(); } InputState.SetMousePointer(bHasMousePointer && CVars::DrawMouseCursor.GetValueOnGameThread() > 0); } void SImGuiWidget::UpdateMouseStatus() { // Note: Mouse leave events can get lost if other viewport takes mouse capture (for instance console is opened by // different viewport when this widget is hovered). With that we lose a chance to cleanup and hide ImGui pointer. // We could either update ImGui pointer in every frame or like below, use mouse events to catch when mouse is lost. if (InputMode == EInputMode::MousePointerOnly) { if (!HasMouseEventNotification()) { UpdateInputMode(false, IsDirectlyHovered()); } ClearMouseEventNotification(); } } void SImGuiWidget::OnPostImGuiUpdate() { if (InputMode != EInputMode::None) { InputState.ClearUpdateState(); } } int32 SImGuiWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& WidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) const { if (FImGuiContextProxy* ContextProxy = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex)) { // Manually update ImGui context to minimise lag between creating and rendering ImGui output. This will also // keep frame tearing at minimum because it is executed at the very end of the frame. ContextProxy->Tick(FSlateApplication::Get().GetDeltaTime()); // Calculate offset that will transform vertex positions to screen space - rounded to avoid half pixel offsets. const FVector2D VertexPositionOffset{ FMath::RoundToFloat(MyClippingRect.Left), FMath::RoundToFloat(MyClippingRect.Top) }; // Convert clipping rectangle to format required by Slate vertex. const FSlateRotatedRect VertexClippingRect{ MyClippingRect }; // Scale -> CanvasOffset in Screen Space const FTransform2D Transform{ VertexPositionOffset }; for (const auto& DrawList : ContextProxy->GetDrawData()) { #if WITH_OBSOLETE_CLIPPING_API DrawList.CopyVertexData(VertexBuffer, Transform, VertexClippingRect); // Get access to the Slate scissor rectangle defined in Slate Core API, so we can customize elements drawing. extern SLATECORE_API TOptional GSlateScissorRect; auto GSlateScissorRectSaver = ScopeGuards::MakeStateSaver(GSlateScissorRect); #else DrawList.CopyVertexData(VertexBuffer, Transform); #endif // WITH_OBSOLETE_CLIPPING_API int IndexBufferOffset = 0; for (int CommandNb = 0; CommandNb < DrawList.NumCommands(); CommandNb++) { const auto& DrawCommand = DrawList.GetCommand(CommandNb, Transform); DrawList.CopyIndexData(IndexBuffer, IndexBufferOffset, DrawCommand.NumElements); // Advance offset by number of copied elements to position it for the next command. IndexBufferOffset += DrawCommand.NumElements; // Get texture resource handle for this draw command (null index will be also mapped to a valid texture). const FSlateResourceHandle& Handle = ModuleManager->GetTextureManager().GetTextureHandle(DrawCommand.TextureId); // Transform clipping rectangle to screen space and apply to elements that we draw. const FSlateRect ClippingRect = DrawCommand.ClippingRect.IntersectionWith(MyClippingRect); #if WITH_OBSOLETE_CLIPPING_API GSlateScissorRect = FShortRect{ ClippingRect }; #else OutDrawElements.PushClip(FSlateClippingZone{ ClippingRect }); #endif // WITH_OBSOLETE_CLIPPING_API // Add elements to the list. FSlateDrawElement::MakeCustomVerts(OutDrawElements, LayerId, Handle, VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, nullptr, 0, 0); #if !WITH_OBSOLETE_CLIPPING_API OutDrawElements.PopClip(); #endif // WITH_OBSOLETE_CLIPPING_API } } } return LayerId; } FVector2D SImGuiWidget::ComputeDesiredSize(float) const { return FVector2D{ 3840.f, 2160.f }; } static TArray GetImGuiMappedKeys() { TArray Keys; Keys.Reserve(Utilities::ArraySize::value + 8); // ImGui IO key map. Keys.Emplace(EKeys::Tab); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::Left); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::Right); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::Up); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::Down); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::PageUp); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::PageDown); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::Home); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::End); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::Delete); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::BackSpace); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::Enter); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::Escape); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::A); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::C); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::V); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::X); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::Y); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::Z); // Modifier keys. Keys.Emplace(EKeys::LeftShift); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::RightShift); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::LeftControl); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::RightControl); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::LeftAlt); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::RightAlt); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::LeftCommand); Keys.Emplace(EKeys::RightCommand); return Keys; } // Column layout utilities. namespace Columns { template static void CollapsingGroup(const char* Name, int Columns, FunctorType&& DrawContent) { if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader(Name, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen)) { const int LastColumns = ImGui::GetColumnsCount(); ImGui::Columns(Columns, nullptr, false); DrawContent(); ImGui::Columns(LastColumns); } } } // Controls tweaked for 2-columns layout. namespace TwoColumns { template static inline void CollapsingGroup(const char* Name, FunctorType&& DrawContent) { Columns::CollapsingGroup(Name, 2, std::forward(DrawContent)); } namespace { void LabelText(const char* Label) { ImGui::Text("%s:", Label); } void LabelText(const wchar_t* Label) { ImGui::Text("%ls:", Label); } } template static void Value(LabelType&& Label, int32 Value) { LabelText(Label); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text("%d", Value); ImGui::NextColumn(); } template static void Value(LabelType&& Label, uint32 Value) { LabelText(Label); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text("%u", Value); ImGui::NextColumn(); } template static void Value(LabelType&& Label, float Value) { LabelText(Label); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text("%f", Value); ImGui::NextColumn(); } template static void Value(LabelType&& Label, bool bValue) { LabelText(Label); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text("%ls", TEXT_BOOL(bValue)); ImGui::NextColumn(); } template static void Value(LabelType&& Label, const TCHAR* Value) { LabelText(Label); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text("%ls", Value); ImGui::NextColumn(); } } namespace Styles { template static void TextHighlight(bool bHighlight, FunctorType&& DrawContent) { if (bHighlight) { ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, { 1.f, 1.f, 0.5f, 1.f }); } DrawContent(); if (bHighlight) { ImGui::PopStyleColor(); } } } void SImGuiWidget::OnDebugDraw() { if (CVars::DebugWidget.GetValueOnGameThread() > 0) { bool bDebug = true; ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(380, 480), ImGuiSetCond_Once); if (ImGui::Begin("ImGui Widget Debug", &bDebug)) { ImGui::Spacing(); TwoColumns::CollapsingGroup("Context", [&]() { TwoColumns::Value("Context Index", ContextIndex); FImGuiContextProxy* ContextProxy = ModuleManager->GetContextManager().GetContextProxy(ContextIndex); TwoColumns::Value("Context Name", ContextProxy ? *ContextProxy->GetName() : TEXT("< Null >")); TwoColumns::Value("Game Viewport", *GameViewport->GetName()); }); TwoColumns::CollapsingGroup("Input Mode", [&]() { TwoColumns::Value("Input Enabled", bInputEnabled); TwoColumns::Value("Input Mode", TEXT_INPUT_MODE(InputMode)); TwoColumns::Value("Input Has Mouse Pointer", InputState.HasMousePointer()); }); TwoColumns::CollapsingGroup("Widget", [&]() { TwoColumns::Value("Visibility", *GetVisibility().ToString()); TwoColumns::Value("Is Hovered", IsHovered()); TwoColumns::Value("Is Directly Hovered", IsDirectlyHovered()); TwoColumns::Value("Has Keyboard Input", HasKeyboardFocus()); }); TwoColumns::CollapsingGroup("Viewport", [&]() { const auto& ViewportWidget = GameViewport->GetGameViewportWidget(); TwoColumns::Value("Is Foreground Window", GameViewport->Viewport->IsForegroundWindow()); TwoColumns::Value("Is Hovered", ViewportWidget->IsHovered()); TwoColumns::Value("Is Directly Hovered", ViewportWidget->IsDirectlyHovered()); TwoColumns::Value("Has Mouse Capture", ViewportWidget->HasMouseCapture()); TwoColumns::Value("Has Keyboard Input", ViewportWidget->HasKeyboardFocus()); TwoColumns::Value("Has Focused Descendants", ViewportWidget->HasFocusedDescendants()); auto Widget = PreviousUserFocusedWidget.Pin(); TwoColumns::Value("Previous User Focused", Widget.IsValid() ? *Widget->GetTypeAsString() : TEXT("None")); }); } ImGui::End(); if (!bDebug) { CVars::DebugWidget->Set(0, ECVF_SetByConsole); } } if (CVars::DebugInput.GetValueOnGameThread() > 0) { bool bDebug = true; ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(460, 480), ImGuiSetCond_Once); if (ImGui::Begin("ImGui Input State", &bDebug)) { const ImVec4 HiglightColor{ 1.f, 1.f, 0.5f, 1.f }; Columns::CollapsingGroup("Mapped Keys", 4, [&]() { static const auto& Keys = GetImGuiMappedKeys(); const int32 Num = Keys.Num(); // Simplified when slicing for two 2. const int32 RowsNum = (Num + 1) / 2; for (int32 Row = 0; Row < RowsNum; Row++) { for (int32 Col = 0; Col < 2; Col++) { const int32 Idx = Row + Col * RowsNum; if (Idx < Num) { const FKey& Key = Keys[Idx]; const uint32 KeyIndex = ImGuiInterops::GetKeyIndex(Key); Styles::TextHighlight(InputState.GetKeys()[KeyIndex], [&]() { TwoColumns::Value(*Key.GetDisplayName().ToString(), KeyIndex); }); } else { ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn(); } } } }); Columns::CollapsingGroup("Modifier Keys", 4, [&]() { Styles::TextHighlight(InputState.IsShiftDown(), [&]() { ImGui::Text("Shift"); }); ImGui::NextColumn(); Styles::TextHighlight(InputState.IsControlDown(), [&]() { ImGui::Text("Control"); }); ImGui::NextColumn(); Styles::TextHighlight(InputState.IsAltDown(), [&]() { ImGui::Text("Alt"); }); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn(); }); Columns::CollapsingGroup("Mouse Buttons", 4, [&]() { static const FKey Buttons[] = { EKeys::LeftMouseButton, EKeys::RightMouseButton, EKeys::MiddleMouseButton, EKeys::ThumbMouseButton, EKeys::ThumbMouseButton2 }; const int32 Num = Utilities::GetArraySize(Buttons); // Simplified when slicing for two 2. const int32 RowsNum = (Num + 1) / 2; for (int32 Row = 0; Row < RowsNum; Row++) { for (int32 Col = 0; Col < 2; Col++) { const int32 Idx = Row + Col * RowsNum; if (Idx < Num) { const FKey& Button = Buttons[Idx]; const uint32 MouseIndex = ImGuiInterops::GetMouseIndex(Button); Styles::TextHighlight(InputState.GetMouseButtons()[MouseIndex], [&]() { TwoColumns::Value(*Button.GetDisplayName().ToString(), MouseIndex); }); } else { ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn(); } } } }); Columns::CollapsingGroup("Mouse Axes", 4, [&]() { TwoColumns::Value("Position X", InputState.GetMousePosition().X); TwoColumns::Value("Position Y", InputState.GetMousePosition().Y); TwoColumns::Value("Wheel Delta", InputState.GetMouseWheelDelta()); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn(); }); if (!bDebug) { CVars::DebugInput->Set(0, ECVF_SetByConsole); } } ImGui::End(); } } #undef TEXT_INPUT_MODE #undef TEXT_BOOL