// Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (see accompanying LICENSE file) #include "ImGuiPrivatePCH.h" #include "ImGuiContextProxy.h" #include "ImGuiDelegatesContainer.h" #include "ImGuiImplementation.h" #include "ImGuiInteroperability.h" #include "Utilities/Arrays.h" #include static constexpr float DEFAULT_CANVAS_WIDTH = 3840.f; static constexpr float DEFAULT_CANVAS_HEIGHT = 2160.f; namespace { FString GetSaveDirectory() { #if ENGINE_COMPATIBILITY_LEGACY_SAVED_DIR const FString SavedDir = FPaths::GameSavedDir(); #else const FString SavedDir = FPaths::ProjectSavedDir(); #endif FString Directory = FPaths::Combine(*SavedDir, TEXT("ImGui")); // Make sure that directory is created. IPlatformFile::GetPlatformPhysical().CreateDirectory(*Directory); return Directory; } FString GetIniFile(const FString& Name) { static FString SaveDirectory = GetSaveDirectory(); return FPaths::Combine(SaveDirectory, Name + TEXT(".ini")); } } FImGuiContextProxy::FImGuiContextProxy(const FString& InName, int32 InContextIndex, FSimpleMulticastDelegate* InSharedDrawEvent, ImFontAtlas* InFontAtlas) : Name(InName) , ContextIndex(InContextIndex) , SharedDrawEvent(InSharedDrawEvent) , IniFilename(TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*GetIniFile(InName))) { // Create context. Context = ImGui::CreateContext(InFontAtlas); // Set this context in ImGui for initialization (any allocations will be tracked in this context). SetAsCurrent(); // Start initialization. ImGuiIO& IO = ImGui::GetIO(); // Set session data storage. IO.IniFilename = IniFilename.c_str(); // Use pre-defined canvas size. IO.DisplaySize = { DEFAULT_CANVAS_WIDTH, DEFAULT_CANVAS_HEIGHT }; DisplaySize = ImGuiInterops::ToVector2D(IO.DisplaySize); // Initialize key mapping, so context can correctly interpret input state. ImGuiInterops::SetUnrealKeyMap(IO); // Begin frame to complete context initialization (this is to avoid problems with other systems calling to ImGui // during startup). BeginFrame(); } FImGuiContextProxy::~FImGuiContextProxy() { if (Context) { // It seems that to properly shutdown context we need to set it as the current one (at least in this framework // version), even though we can pass it to the destroy function. SetAsCurrent(); // Save context data and destroy. ImGui::DestroyContext(Context); } } void FImGuiContextProxy::DrawEarlyDebug() { if (bIsFrameStarted && !bIsDrawEarlyDebugCalled) { bIsDrawEarlyDebugCalled = true; SetAsCurrent(); // Delegates called in order specified in FImGuiDelegates. BroadcastMultiContextEarlyDebug(); BroadcastWorldEarlyDebug(); } } void FImGuiContextProxy::DrawDebug() { if (bIsFrameStarted && !bIsDrawDebugCalled) { bIsDrawDebugCalled = true; // Make sure that early debug is always called first to guarantee order specified in FImGuiDelegates. DrawEarlyDebug(); SetAsCurrent(); // Delegates called in order specified in FImGuiDelegates. BroadcastWorldDebug(); BroadcastMultiContextDebug(); } } void FImGuiContextProxy::Tick(float DeltaSeconds) { // Making sure that we tick only once per frame. if (LastFrameNumber < GFrameNumber) { LastFrameNumber = GFrameNumber; SetAsCurrent(); if (bIsFrameStarted) { // Make sure that draw events are called before the end of the frame. DrawDebug(); // Ending frame will produce render output that we capture and store for later use. This also puts context to // state in which it does not allow to draw controls, so we want to immediately start a new frame. EndFrame(); } // Update context information (some data need to be collected before starting a new frame while some other data // may need to be collected after). bHasActiveItem = ImGui::IsAnyItemActive(); MouseCursor = ImGuiInterops::ToSlateMouseCursor(ImGui::GetMouseCursor()); // Begin a new frame and set the context back to a state in which it allows to draw controls. BeginFrame(DeltaSeconds); // Update remaining context information. bWantsMouseCapture = ImGui::GetIO().WantCaptureMouse; } } void FImGuiContextProxy::SetAdaptiveCanvasSize(bool bAdaptive) { bAdaptiveCanvasSize = bAdaptive; } void FImGuiContextProxy::BeginFrame(float DeltaTime) { if (!bIsFrameStarted) { ImGuiIO& IO = ImGui::GetIO(); IO.DeltaTime = DeltaTime; ImGuiInterops::CopyInput(IO, InputState); InputState.ClearUpdateState(); if (bAdaptiveCanvasSize) { if (GEngine && GEngine->GameViewport) { GEngine->GameViewport->GetViewportSize(DisplaySize); IO.DisplaySize = ImVec2(DisplaySize.X, DisplaySize.Y); } } else { IO.DisplaySize = { DEFAULT_CANVAS_WIDTH, DEFAULT_CANVAS_HEIGHT }; DisplaySize = ImGuiInterops::ToVector2D(IO.DisplaySize); } ImGui::NewFrame(); bIsFrameStarted = true; bIsDrawEarlyDebugCalled = false; bIsDrawDebugCalled = false; } } void FImGuiContextProxy::EndFrame() { if (bIsFrameStarted) { // Prepare draw data (after this call we cannot draw to this context until we start a new frame). ImGui::Render(); // Update our draw data, so we can use them later during Slate rendering while ImGui is in the middle of the // next frame. UpdateDrawData(ImGui::GetDrawData()); bIsFrameStarted = false; } } void FImGuiContextProxy::UpdateDrawData(ImDrawData* DrawData) { if (DrawData && DrawData->CmdListsCount > 0) { DrawLists.SetNum(DrawData->CmdListsCount, false); for (int Index = 0; Index < DrawData->CmdListsCount; Index++) { DrawLists[Index].TransferDrawData(*DrawData->CmdLists[Index]); } } else { // If we are not rendering then this might be a good moment to empty the array. DrawLists.Empty(); } } void FImGuiContextProxy::BroadcastWorldEarlyDebug() { if (ContextIndex != Utilities::INVALID_CONTEXT_INDEX) { FSimpleMulticastDelegate& WorldEarlyDebugEvent = FImGuiDelegatesContainer::Get().OnWorldEarlyDebug(ContextIndex); if (WorldEarlyDebugEvent.IsBound()) { WorldEarlyDebugEvent.Broadcast(); } } } void FImGuiContextProxy::BroadcastMultiContextEarlyDebug() { FSimpleMulticastDelegate& MultiContextEarlyDebugEvent = FImGuiDelegatesContainer::Get().OnMultiContextEarlyDebug(); if (MultiContextEarlyDebugEvent.IsBound()) { MultiContextEarlyDebugEvent.Broadcast(); } } void FImGuiContextProxy::BroadcastWorldDebug() { if (DrawEvent.IsBound()) { DrawEvent.Broadcast(); } if (ContextIndex != Utilities::INVALID_CONTEXT_INDEX) { FSimpleMulticastDelegate& WorldDebugEvent = FImGuiDelegatesContainer::Get().OnWorldDebug(ContextIndex); if (WorldDebugEvent.IsBound()) { WorldDebugEvent.Broadcast(); } } } void FImGuiContextProxy::BroadcastMultiContextDebug() { if (SharedDrawEvent && SharedDrawEvent->IsBound()) { SharedDrawEvent->Broadcast(); } FSimpleMulticastDelegate& MultiContextDebugEvent = FImGuiDelegatesContainer::Get().OnMultiContextDebug(); if (MultiContextDebugEvent.IsBound()) { MultiContextDebugEvent.Broadcast(); } }