// Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (see accompanying LICENSE file) #include "ImGuiTextureHandle.h" #include "ImGuiInteroperability.h" FImGuiTextureHandle::FImGuiTextureHandle() : FImGuiTextureHandle(NAME_None, ImGuiInterops::ToImTextureID(INDEX_NONE)) { } FImGuiTextureHandle::FImGuiTextureHandle(const FName& InName, ImTextureID InTextureId) : Name(InName) , TextureId(InTextureId) { const TextureIndex Index = ImGuiInterops::ToTextureIndex(TextureId); checkf((Index == INDEX_NONE) == (Name == NAME_None), TEXT("Mismatch between Name and TextureId parameters, with only one indicating a null handle.") TEXT(" Name = '%s', TextureIndex(TextureId) = %d"), *Name.ToString(), Index); } // FImGuiTextureHandle::HasValidEntry() is implemented in ImGuiModule.cpp to get access to FImGuiModuleManager instance // without referencing in this class.