- The old DPI Scale setting was replaced by DPI Scaling Info, which contains information about scale and method of scaling.
- ImGui Context Manager handles scaling in ImGui by scaling all styles, rebuilding fonts using a different size, and raising OnFontAtlasBuilt event.
- ImGui Module Manager uses OnFontAtlasBuilt event to rebuild font textures.
- The update policy in Texture Manager was loosened to update existing resources rather than throwing an exception. This is less strict but it is now more useful since our main texture can now change. The throwing behavior used in the public interface is now handled before calling to the Texture Manager.
Current implementation of the IsInGameThread() doesn't make exceptions for a loading thread and lazy initialization of the Unreal resources ensures that plugin doesn't do any work before the game starts.
- Added SImGuiLayout to resets layout and house SImGuiWidget.
- Module manager creates SImGuiLayout instead of SImGuiWidget (eventually it should be replaced with a higher level object, like AHUD).
- Reworked ImGui canvas dragging and scaling and moved to SImGuiCanvasControl.
- Removed dependency on ImGui internal cursor data. New presentation is cleaner and doesn't use cursor data.
- Rendering code could be simplified after layout reset provided by SImGuiLayout.
- SImGuiWidget still handles input, rendering of ImGui draw data and activation of SImGuiCanvasControl.
- All widgets are in own subfolder.
- Divided ImGui settings into UImGuiSettings persistent object and FImGuiModuleSettings proxy that provides interface for other classes and handles delayed loading of UImGuiSettings.
- Removed from FImGuiModuleProperties and FImGuiModuleCommands direct dependencies on UImGuiSettings.
- Simplified FImGuiModuleProperties making it more robust when moving data after hot-reloading.
- Inverted binding logic by injecting FImGuiModuleProperties and FImGuiModuleCommands into FImGuiModuleSettings and letting it take care of synchronization. Dependencies are setup by module manager.
- Added to module manager FImGuiModuleSettings and interface to access it.
- Cleaned interface of FImGuiInputHandlerFactory and removed direct dependency on settings.
- Removed ImGui Module Properties singleton interface and released construction constraints.
- Added ImGui Module Properties to ImGui Module Manager.
- Moved ImGui Demo to ImGui Module Manager.
- ImGui Demo and ImGui Module Commands keep reference to ImGui Module Manager that gives them access to properties.
- Moved property variables to ImGui Module Properties.
- Moved console command to ImGui Module Commands (one for now but more will be added).
- ImGui Module Commands is created by ImGui Module Manager, what means that commands are registered after module is loaded and unregistered when it is unloaded.
- Updated settings to allow more convenient use: Added global pointer to default object and event raised when it is loaded.
- Split tick and textures initializations.
- Supporting deferred tick initialization, if Slate application is not ready during module startup.
- Textures are lazy-loaded before the first use.
- ImGui Context Manager initializes font atlas to make sure that ImGui resources are always initialized.
- Added to ImGui Context Proxy a name that is mapped to ini file set in ImGui context.
- ImGui Context Manager generates unique context names from world type and context index.
- Refactored ImGui Context Manager to have a cleaner separation between editor and non-editor bits.
- Fixed context update rules in ImGui Context Manager.
- Changed widgets management in ImGui Module Manager to allow automatic garbage collection after viewports are closed and manual removal when module is shutting down.
- ImGui Widgets are in full control of communication with context proxies.
- Added basic world context utilities.
- Refactored world context index utilities and replaced ambiguous 'default context index' with 'editor' and 'game' ones.
- Added ImGui Context Manager to create and manage ImGui Context Proxies.
- Changed ImGui Context Proxy to dynamically create context and allow pairing with input state.
- Changed ImGui Module Manager to create one widget per context.
- Changed ImGui Widget to work in different input modes.
- Changed ImGui Input State to allow partial reset (only mouse or keyboard).
- Added ImGui Input State to collect and store input updates.
- Changed Slate ImGui Widget to handle Slate input events and store them in input state.
- Changed ImGui Context Proxy to copy input state to its context.
- Added ImGui Module Manager that that implements module logic and manages other module resources.
- Added Texture Manager to manage texture resources and maps them to index that can be passed to ImGui context.
- Added Context Proxy that represents and manages a single ImGui context.
- Added Slate ImGui Widget to render ImGui output.