Merged 4 commits fixing build errors when compiling this as an engine plugin:
- Changed include directives to use full paths (ex. <ICursor.h> -> <GenericPlatform/ICursor.h>).
- Added categories to FImGuiKeyInfo properties (required for all blueprint exposed types in engine plugins).
- Added explicit configuration of PCHUsage (without that it is assumed to be UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs in engine plugins and UseSharedPCHs in game ones) - amended to work also in the older engine versions.
- With the mouse sharing enabled, SImGuiWidget can update mouse position without enabling hit-tests. Actual input mode depends whether mouse cursor is hovering any ImGui window or not.
- Added to context proxy interface to read whether that context has mouse hovering any window.
- Added boilerplate code to support mouse sharing settings, properties and commands.
- Divided ImGui settings into UImGuiSettings persistent object and FImGuiModuleSettings proxy that provides interface for other classes and handles delayed loading of UImGuiSettings.
- Removed from FImGuiModuleProperties and FImGuiModuleCommands direct dependencies on UImGuiSettings.
- Simplified FImGuiModuleProperties making it more robust when moving data after hot-reloading.
- Inverted binding logic by injecting FImGuiModuleProperties and FImGuiModuleCommands into FImGuiModuleSettings and letting it take care of synchronization. Dependencies are setup by module manager.
- Added to module manager FImGuiModuleSettings and interface to access it.
- Cleaned interface of FImGuiInputHandlerFactory and removed direct dependency on settings.
- Added properties defining whether keyboard or gamepad input should be shared between ImGui and game.
- Added interface and commands to dynamically change introduced properties.
- Updated ImGui Input Handler to base default input responses on sharing properties.
- Removed ImGui Module Properties singleton interface and released construction constraints.
- Added ImGui Module Properties to ImGui Module Manager.
- Moved ImGui Demo to ImGui Module Manager.
- ImGui Demo and ImGui Module Commands keep reference to ImGui Module Manager that gives them access to properties.
- Moved property variables to ImGui Module Properties.
- Moved console command to ImGui Module Commands (one for now but more will be added).
- ImGui Module Commands is created by ImGui Module Manager, what means that commands are registered after module is loaded and unregistered when it is unloaded.
- Updated settings to allow more convenient use: Added global pointer to default object and event raised when it is loaded.