- Hot-reloading from inside of the editor and after recompiling from the outside should be equally supported and work together.
- Improved robustness of the delegates redirections. There should be no lost delegates when reloading (either after in-editor or outside recompilation).
- Refactored code to use the same redirection template for context and delegates container.
- Removed explicit PCH.
- Fixed includes to compile for all supported engine versions, including non-unity builds.
- Configured build.cs to treat ImGui as an engine module and added stricter compilation rules.
Merged 4 commits fixing build errors when compiling this as an engine plugin:
- Changed include directives to use full paths (ex. <ICursor.h> -> <GenericPlatform/ICursor.h>).
- Added categories to FImGuiKeyInfo properties (required for all blueprint exposed types in engine plugins).
- Added explicit configuration of PCHUsage (without that it is assumed to be UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs in engine plugins and UseSharedPCHs in game ones) - amended to work also in the older engine versions.
- Added SImGuiLayout to resets layout and house SImGuiWidget.
- Module manager creates SImGuiLayout instead of SImGuiWidget (eventually it should be replaced with a higher level object, like AHUD).
- Reworked ImGui canvas dragging and scaling and moved to SImGuiCanvasControl.
- Removed dependency on ImGui internal cursor data. New presentation is cleaner and doesn't use cursor data.
- Rendering code could be simplified after layout reset provided by SImGuiLayout.
- SImGuiWidget still handles input, rendering of ImGui draw data and activation of SImGuiCanvasControl.
- All widgets are in own subfolder.
- Upgraded ImGui framework to 1.61 WIP, which adds a few improvements to context management.
- Removed from plugin implementation all the references to default ImGui context.
- Removed from ImGui Context Proxy destructor code switching to default ImGui context (there is no default context and decision is left for a higher level manager when to switch and to what context).
- Added own font atlas that is shared by all contexts and used explicitly to create Slate resources.
- Removed from ImGui Context Proxy workaround that was previously needed for copying cursor data to dynamically created contexts.
- Removed explicit saving of context settings before its destruction as this is now handled in ImGui::DestroyContext().
- Reimplemented ImGuiImplementation::GetCursorData() to use new interface.
- Added to ImGui Context Proxy a name that is mapped to ini file set in ImGui context.
- ImGui Context Manager generates unique context names from world type and context index.
- Refactored ImGui Context Manager to have a cleaner separation between editor and non-editor bits.
- Fixed context update rules in ImGui Context Manager.
- Changed widgets management in ImGui Module Manager to allow automatic garbage collection after viewports are closed and manual removal when module is shutting down.
- ImGui Widgets are in full control of communication with context proxies.
- Added basic world context utilities.
- Refactored world context index utilities and replaced ambiguous 'default context index' with 'editor' and 'game' ones.
- Added ImGui Context Manager to create and manage ImGui Context Proxies.
- Changed ImGui Context Proxy to dynamically create context and allow pairing with input state.
- Changed ImGui Module Manager to create one widget per context.
- Changed ImGui Widget to work in different input modes.
- Changed ImGui Input State to allow partial reset (only mouse or keyboard).
- Added ImGui framework source directory.
- Added to ImGui module include paths pointing to ImGui source directory.
- Added to ImGui module implementation file that includes ImGui source code to be built as part of the module.