\* *Plugin has been tested and if necessary updated to compile and work with this engine version. As long as possible I will try to maintain backward compatibility of existing features and possibly but not necessarily when adding new features. Right now it should be at least backward compatible with the engine version 4.15.*
When running Multi-PIE session, each world gets its own ImGui context to draw world specific data. When world update begins contexts are switched automatically, so using ImGui during objects update should be as easy as calling ImGui API functions.
For scenarios where automatic context switching above is not enough I'm planning to add mechanism allowing to explicitly select contexts. After that I plan to add example project, more usability features, better documentation and integration of Remote ImGui which enables using ImGui from a browser and to investigate possibility of opening ImGui for Blueprints.
To use this plug-in, you will need a C++ Unreal project.
Content of this repository needs to be placed in *Plugins* directory under project's root: */Plugins/ImGui*. After you compile and run you should notice that *ImGui* module is now available.
To use that in other modules you will need to declare it as a public or private dependency in those modules' Build.cs files:
Console support evolved from using console variables to plain variables combined with interface and console commands to toggle them. This means that it is possible to bind keys to those commands (currently only one is supported natively) and call interface functions from user code (also in shipping builds, if needed).
-`ImGui.ToggleInput` - Toggle ImGui input mode (disabled by default). If enabled, input is routed to ImGui and with a few exceptions is consumed. It is possible to assign keyboard short-cut to this command trough ImGui properties panel.
-`ImGui.ToggleKeyboardNavigation` - Toggle ImGui keyboard navigation feature (disabled by default but will be replaced with configurable setting).
-`ImGui.ToggleGamepadNavigation` - Toggle ImGui gamepad navigation feature (disabled by default but will be replaced with configurable setting).
-`ImGui.ToggleDemo` - Toggle visibility of the ImGui demo (disabled by default).
Canvas control mode gives a possibility to navigate around ImGui canvas and control which part of it should be visible on the screen. To activate this mode press and hold `Left Shift` + `Left Alt` keys while in ImGui input mode. Leaving ImGui input mode or releasing shortcut keys will deactivate control mode. While in control mode ImGui draws canvas borders and a frame representing part of the ImGui canvas visible after leaving that mode. To control canvas scale, offset and frame use mouse wheel and dragging:
- *Mouse Wheel* - to zoom in and out (resets to 1 after leaving control mode)
- *Right Mouse Button* - to drag ImGui canvas/content
- *Middle Mouse Button* - to drag frame representing part of the ImGui canvas that will be visible after leaving control mode