250 lines
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250 lines
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// Unreal Fighting Framework by Kevin Poretti
#include "FFState.h"
// FF includes
#include "FFStateMachineComponent.h"
#include "IFFStateAvatarInterface.h"
#include "IFFStateOwnerInterface.h"
// UE includes
#include "Components/SkeletalMeshComponent.h"
void UFFState::Init(const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
bool UFFState::CanTransition(const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
* Check to see if avatar implements StateAvatarInterface
* if so then
* Check if the avatar is in the correct stance to perform this action
* Check if the state is enabled
* Check to see if the owner implements the StateOwnerInterface
* Check input conditions if there are any
* If at least one input condition is good then we can transition
* so return true otherwise return false
IFFStateAvatarInterface* SAI = Cast<IFFStateAvatarInterface>(InStateContext.Avatar);
if(!(SAI->CheckStance(StanceRequired) && SAI->CheckStateEnabled(StateType)))
return false;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("CanTransition :: Avatar of FFFStateContext does not implement IFFStateAvatarInterface"));
return false;
IFFStateOwnerInterface* SOI = Cast<IFFStateOwnerInterface>(InStateContext.Owner);
return false;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("CanTransition :: Owner of FFFStateContext does not implement IFFStateOwnerInterface"));
return false;
return OnCanTransition(InStateContext) && !bIsFollowupState;
void UFFState::Enter(const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
IFFStateOwnerInterface* PC = Cast<IFFStateOwnerInterface>(InStateContext.Owner);
void UFFState::Exit(const FFFStateContext& InStateContext, EFFStateFinishReason StateFinishReason)
if(InStateContext.Avatar &&
(bStopMontageOnStateEnd && StateFinishReason == EFFStateFinishReason::SFT_DurationMetOrExceeded || StateFinishReason == EFFStateFinishReason::SFT_Interrupted) ||
(bStopMontageOnMovementModeChange && StateFinishReason == EFFStateFinishReason::SFT_NotInReqMovementMode))
void UFFState::Update(float OneFrame, const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
IFFStateOwnerInterface* SOI = Cast<IFFStateOwnerInterface>(InStateContext.Owner);
// TODO: maybe a check/asset is better because I can't think of a reason that not having the Owner implement
// IFFStateOwnerInterface is valid. Although there could be objects that have state that don't necessarily directly
// respond to input and don't have an Owner/controller responsible for them. Or they do have an owner but are associated
// with another Avatar like a character who is owned by a player/player controller.
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Owner of FFFStateContext does not implement IFFStateOwnerInterface"));
for(FFFInputEventHandler InputHandler : InputHandlers)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error,
TEXT("Trying to execute an input handler delegate on %s but it is not bound"),
OnUpdate(OneFrame, InStateContext);
if(bStateHasDuration && InStateContext.Parent->GetTicksInState() >= StateDuration)
Finish(InStateContext, EFFStateFinishReason::SFT_DurationMetOrExceeded);
void UFFState::Landed(const FHitResult& Hit, const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
OnLanded(Hit, InStateContext);
// TODO: might want to also finish the state here by default and have the subclasses overwrite
// that behavior in the few cases we don't want to finish the state when we land
void UFFState::MovementModeChanged(EMovementMode PrevMovementMode, uint8 PreviousCustomMode,
EMovementMode NewMovementMode, uint8 NewCustomMode, const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
OnMovementModeChanged(PrevMovementMode, PreviousCustomMode,
NewMovementMode, NewCustomMode, InStateContext);
void UFFState::AttackHit(const FHitResult& HitResult, const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
OnAttackHit(HitResult, InStateContext);
void UFFState::HitTaken(const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
void UFFState::BlockTaken(const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
void UFFState::Finish(const FFFStateContext& InStateContext, EFFStateFinishReason StateFinishReason)
// TODO: I really don't like having to pass this state finish reason into this GoToEntryState
// function, which then passes it to GoToState, which then passes it back to the state through
// it's "Exit" function all so we can stop the current anim montage when we exit from a state if
// the appropriate flags are set. I think having this state finish reason is good but I may want
// to rethink the way we handle logic for ending a state and which class is in charge of handling
// what
if(GetFollowupState(InStateContext) != NAME_None)
InStateContext.Parent->GoToState(GetFollowupState(InStateContext), StateFinishReason);
FName UFFState::GetFollowupState_Implementation(const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
return FollowupState;
void UFFState::PlayMontage(const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
// TODO: think of a better way to handle optionally playing montages other than the one set as MontageToPlay
void UFFState::OnInit_Implementation(const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
bool UFFState::OnCanTransition_Implementation(const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
return true;
// TODO: think of a better way to handle optionally playing montages other than the one set as MontageToPlay
void UFFState::OnPlayMontage_Implementation(const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
USkeletalMeshComponent* SMC = InStateContext.Avatar->GetComponentByClass<USkeletalMeshComponent>();
if(SMC && MontageToPlay)
UWorld* UFFState::GetWorld() const
UFFStateMachineComponent* SMC = Cast<UFFStateMachineComponent>(GetOuter());
return SMC->GetWorld();
return nullptr;
void UFFState::StopCurrentAnimMontage(const FFFStateContext& InStateContext)
USkeletalMeshComponent* SMC = InStateContext.Avatar->GetComponentByClass<USkeletalMeshComponent>();
// TODO: Need a system for keeping track what anim montages were played during a state
// so we can stop only those when the state ends (and if the bStopMontageOnStateEnd flag is set)
// ALSO, this will be important for when we need to fast forward an animation when the game rollsback
// and we have to resimulate to the current local tick
// For now just stop all anim montages
UAnimMontage* CurrAnim = SMC->GetAnimInstance()->GetCurrentActiveMontage();